• https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-OY2wnEGn_cE/V80uockjicI/AAAAAAAAZ8o/r_3CotN5E6U-CUieGteAgUvmn7wuNEzrQCLcB/s1600/do%2Bnot%2Bbe%2Bweary%2Bin%2Bwell%2Bdoinf.jpg


Dear Diary, The Testimony Is Like This

There is no better way to wrap up Dear Diary for the year than the performance of the very Word of God. It is so obvious that God sees the end from the beginning. I'm awed!

Word Made Flesh

And when I cried unto the Lord God of my fathers
The Lord heard my voice
and looked on my affliction
my labour
my oppression


When God Gives No Gift

Happy Boxing Day! Time to unwrap our gifts and enjoy our blessings. Shall we? :)

Where Is My Gift?

I remember asking a similar question, where is my gift? 

Even the MD acknowledged that I was perfect for the position. The interview went smoothly. And the audition swept everyone off their feet.


Last Sunday Of The Year. Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas, sweethearts of my blogosphere. May the joy and happiness that come with the season never be far away from you and yours. You have made me smile and made my tears dry quickly. God bless you.

I have a little something for you.


My Journey Of Waiting On God And Trusting Him All Year

Christmas Story starts with a fine girl called Mary being told, in a special way, that she will give birth to a very special baby who will be named Jesus.

And she's like "How Shall This Be?"

I can relate it to being told, in a weird way, that I will get a job that will be called a dream.

Trusting Through Conception To Delivery 

The conception of prophecy starts with just a word, but the process that leads to its manifestation can be a long, tough one.


RELATIONSHIP: 5 Ways To Be A Blessing To Others Even When You Are Broke

I've been singing a particular song for such a long time, thank God, I am now singing a new song. My prayer point has suddenly changed. Wow. Shout out to those who called, texted and commented about/on yesterday's post. God bless you all real good.

Yep. We are back to regular blogging. Although our time table might change a little bit because we are stepping into a new season. I can only hope that it sits well with you.

Till then, it's Love-Wednesday!

How To Be A Blessing

We are in the season of giving and receiving gifts. Many people are going shopping, others are wondering what their next meal would be. Life. Many people would receive loads of gifts, others would feel they are all alone in the world. Life.


Dear Diary, God Has Done It!!!

Testimony time!!! Where do I start this gist from???? Should I start from the time I conceived it (here) or when it manifested in the physical??? It's been a looooong ride!!!

A Dream Job

When I blogged about 'waiting for "what's next"', I had no idea what it was. I just felt something was cooking. 3 days after the post, I received an invitation for a job interview.


What's Next

Hi. Hi. Long time, no blog. How is everyone doing? I hope you are enjoying the holiday.

What's Next

I'd like to rock my natural African kinky comb-breaking hair for Christmas. I gave it a good treat today! But I'm scared at how it is turning out. It seems my hair does not want me to shine this season.


Cook Your Style Sweet

Hello sweethearts of my blogosphere! How have you been? And your weekend? Mine has been fantastic. I feel Christmassy! I hope you do too.  :)

Fashion Is Like Cooking With Ingredients

You know when it comes to fashion and style, it's all about personality and creativity. That's why I loveeeeet!


BOOK: You Are All That! By Paula White

Among the books I read during the 30-Day Man Fast is 'You Are ALL THAT!' by Paula White. It is a book specially made for people like me. But wait a minute, who am I? Lol. That's what this book is about!

You are ALL THAT: Understanding God's Design For Your Life

This book is one of the oldest in my library, yet it brings new perspectives and principles to a Jesus-loving single woman like me.

Nope, I don't mean it is for only women. It is actually for everyone.

The power of God in this book is amazing, and the power of God in the author, Paula White is amazing.


Is Blogging A Reality Or An Illusion?

Hi! It's December already! I tend to reflect a lot at the beginning of a new month, new week or new season. Newness inspires me.

While I was reflecting, I thought about how far I have come with blogging. And it dawned on me that yours truly hasn't bagged any award yet. Lol. But why? 

The Rewards Of A Blogger

Being a blogger wasn't something I have always wanted to do. In fact, I stumbled on it.


5 Not-That-Deep Questions And Answers On Relationship

Instead of me to read my Bible, I went to read Toke Makinwa's book, On Becoming. Now see where it has landed me -- a very late Love-Wednesday post -- After many hours of struggling to get myself out of the shock the story stimulated. Phew.

I'm sorry. Let's have some sort of Q n' A relationship session today . . .

Relationship Q n A

Relationships (and marriages) can get boring if they stay perpetually on the same track for too long. We have to WORK hard enough to keep our relationships growing strong, positive and fulfilling, and it requires that both parties (you and your partner) keep each other on your toes.


Dear Diary, I've Got My Mind Made Up

The 30-Day Man Fast is a period where a woman stays away from men to focus on Jesus.

Sharing bits from my private diary . . .

I choose Jesus

My prayer during this fast has been for God to fix me me, fill me, change me so I don’t make the same mistakes I’ve made in my past relationships.


Learn To Look Beyond Yourself

Sometimes I cry when I see an element of pride in my heart, specifically, that moment of being gratified with a good performance. God hates it - He deserves ALL the glory.

Elements of Pride

Pride is the feeling you get when you have achieved something, which probably makes you feel good about yourself or you think makes you stand out. 

It's a good feeling.

But it can be a disease.


What I Wore: When All You See Is Black

Hip! Hip! Hip! Hurray! I feel like my birthday was yesterday and that today is the beginning of a new year. I feel so alive, refreshed, renewed, and everything positive! How about you? :)

All Black Everything

I tend to usually be pretty colourful and creative, injecting a burst of colour somewhere in my outfit. Wearing an all black outfit allows me to add eye watering shade of whatever, that's definitely something I love about all black outfits.


This Is All About Face Modelling

I have never appreciated makeup artists and the art in makeup by itself as much as I did yesterday. I looked at the mirror and couldn't believe what I beheld.

Face Modelling 101

Money is the only thing that can motivate me to comfortably wear makeup on my face. I cannot be wearing mascara and carving my eyebrows for nothing. Makeup for me is strictly business.


Here Is A Quick Midnight Reflection On Instagram

Like many other nights, sleep eluded me. After praying for as long as I could manage, I switched on my data. And logged on into Instagram as though the angels were using my pretty long fingers.

Instagram, Really?

I am not such a big fan of Instagram. I often spend less than an hour on the days I decide to log in on the app.

The last time I spent over an hour, I made a mess of myself with makeup. :/


Top 5 Relationship Goals We Should Strive For

Relationship is not about hugging and kissing and caring about someone who says they love you. Romantic relationship (the way God designed it to be) is being in love with someone who loves you as much as Jesus does. Oh, yeah!

"cute" isn't the goal.

Relationship Goals

Sometimes it’s hard to know what is required. There are so many pictures of couples doing really cute, funny things together with the caption “relationship goals”. While the idea of holding hands, doing funny things and awkward poses is cute and sweet, it’s not exactly what we should be looking out for on having real relationships.


Dear Diary, I Am So Hungry For Love

The 30-Day Man Fast is a period where a woman stays away from men to focus on Jesus.

Sharing bits from my private diary . . .

Day 9: Only Him

I had a great encounter with God through His word. It was like when Jesus sat down next to the Samaritan woman by the well.


2 Things To Do Before The Year Ends

How would you describe your year? For some of us, it has been the fastest year. While for some of us, it seem to have been the slowest year.

Whatever be your case, you can still have the best one. 

Just Before The Year Ends

"This is not the time to cry or give up. In fact, this is the best time to get fired up, push forward and have the best year ever."

That was what I said to myself as I read the vision written down in my private diary again.


STYLE: Walk On The Street Like You Owe Nobody

Happy Sunday! It's not every time shoes, sometimes slippers too. Lol. Lemme show you an outfit I put together on one of those days I just go freely on the street like I owe nobody. :D

You Owe Nobody

Since this post, my definition of "street style" hasn't changed. It is still the normal outfit a normal person wears on a normal day. No paparazzi.

Being free is such a great experience.


Gosh! I Hate Meetings

Meetings are one of the biggest time wasters ever. I've attended a couple of meetings over the past week and thought to myself "So, what did we achieve with this?"

Meetings Suck 

I was asked to design an e-flier with respect to a meeting that is scheduled for Sunday. While at it, I remembered the previous meeting I attended . . .


RELATIONSHIP: "You Remember Me Today"

There are only few things more annoying than picking up your phone, dialling a friend's number, and hearing the words "Oh, you remember me today".

Excuse me, what's that?!

When Phone Calls Become Less Frequent

In friendships, we set certain expectations for others. These expectations are sometimes unnecessary.

For example, you expect your friend to call you because you think it's your friend's turn to call you after you called the last time. You may even think it's your friend's turn to recharge your phone because you helped out the last time. 


DIARY: Does This Make Any Sense?

A number of people requested that I keep them updated on my 30-Day Man Fast. I shrugged at it because I consider it to be a personal journey between me and God. Then again, I thought to share moments that weren't creepily sacred.

This was what Day1 of my 30-Day Man Fast looked like . . . Clueless but cognizant.

30-Day Man Fast
Day 1: God Loves Me

I grabbed my diary, my Bible and a pen as though I was expecting God to suddenly start dictating for me to write.


How To Feel Better When You Feel Miserable

Hello! I know it's Monday but can we talk about something "annoying" for a minute, please?

When God cursed Eve, did He mention that she was going to have terrible menstrual cramps too? Just asking for a friend. She is in so much pain right now. :(

Making Sickness An Adventure

She was on the bed. Instead of sleeping or resting, she was rolling from one point to another. And making some creepy sounds.

She was getting me really scared.


What I Wore: Old To Fab (Ankara Shoes)

Hello sweetie. I hope your weekend has been amazing? So like I promised last week, I want to show you how I once rocked these shoes.

On The Red Carpet 

I absolutely LOVE hosting events. And adding the glitz and glamour of the red carpet is one of the best things! I like all the vibes and energy that come with wearing a smile, asking questions and meeting people.


My Temptation To React To The Trump

You may wonder what concerns me with America and her Election. Lol. What would a lady do when her brother is a political scientist and her father is a Nigerian businessman, an Igbo, for that matter?

Nigerians React

Yesterday morning after our family devotion, dad switched on the TV to CNN. He's been following the news from day 1. As usual, I wasn't interested, so I went back to my little cozy room.


RELATIONSHIP: Where To Find True Lasting Satisfaction

How often do you feel sad, lonely and empty inside? How often do you feel anxious, depressed, hopeless, angry or hurt?

Our feelings of anxiety, depression, anger, hurt, guilt, shame, loneliness and fear are telling us one thing: something is missing.

The Love That Satisfies

I owe this post to the personal encounters in the 30-Day Man Fast inspired by God with whom I am falling madly in love. My big hole of emptiness is being filled. Hallelujah!


DIARY: God Whispers When I Get On My Sewing Machine

Inspiration is everywhere, at any time, when we find God in everything.

My Sewing Moment

The rhythm of my sewing machine leads me to a place of peace; a sense of awareness fitted to an atmosphere I’ve chosen to call the “Heaven's Whispers” As the needle goes into the fabric and joins the pieces, I lapse into a state of peace and deep meditation.


Are You Trusting?

Latetly, I've been very focused on choosing to trust God in more aspects of my life - From little things like renewing my mobile data plan to big things like investing every ounce of time and energy into this ministry, regardless of whether it is a financial success.

Are You Trusting?

If you're like me, you have faith, but you don't always fully trust God with EVERY aspect of your life. That's why you worry over things that God has got under control.


How To Make Your Own Ankara Shoes

I get a lot of questions about my revamped shoes. I decided to share some tips. It's so easy! Get ready for your complete shoe transformation!

Ankara Shoes (DIY)

There are many ways to do this, but I want to show an awesome and easy way to recycle your old shoes and create a bright and fashionable outfit.


PHOTO: Laugh At Yourself

This little group of words speaks volume. Thought to share it with you today.

Wouldn't you rather laugh at yourself?

P.S I just got to know Nora Ephron. According to Wikipedia, Nora died on June 26, 2012 (my birthday). We share a "creative spirit" in common as she was a journalist, essayist, playwright, screenwriter, novelist, producer, director, and blogger.

Posted by Nwamaka Ajaegbu 
Let's connect on Twitter: @Amakamedia
Let's connect on Instagram: @amakamedia
And Bloglovin: Amakamedia

Heart Rays . . . giving out  the light.


Use Smileys To Save Your Relationship Online

Yippee! It's Love-Wednesday! Yup, our timetable hasn't changed even though yours truly is taking on her "Man Fast". :)

We were created to love and be loved. And in love, we communicate freely and passionately. 

The Art Of Using Smileys

Having been away on BBM for over four months, I don't know what got into me when I reinstalled the BBM app on my phone last week. That's what joblessness can cause. Lol.


DIARY: 5 Things That Make Me Truly Happy :)

It's November! Happy New Month sweethearts of my blogosphere! We made it. Yes, we made it into the 11th. There is so much to be happy about here. So much!  :)

We are H-A-P-P-Y. We know we are. We are sure we are. We are H-A-P-P-Y. Happy! :)

5 Things That Make Me Truly Happy

:) :) :) I intend to start and end my first paragraph with three happy smileys. I hope you have a beautiful smile on your face right now. :) :) :)

Don't let the devil fool you. You have every reason to be happy. Look him in the face and say: "I choose to be happy. Therefore, I Amaka (insert your name here) is happy!


Don't Be A Fool Watching TV

There is a difference between "watching TV makes you a fool" and "don't be a fool watching TV". Just so you don't get it twisted.

I'd rather tell you how not to be a fool while watching TV.

How To Watch TV Productively

I am an introvert but a lot of people find it hard to believe, because the kind of work I do constantly pushes me out of my comfort zone to "present" an extroverted personality. I like it anyway.

The truth is, when I'm home, I stay locked up in my room most of the time.


What Is Your Style Statement?

Show me a person who makes a style statement, and I'd tell you about someone knowing WHO they are. Aha, that's my quote right there! Lol.

Style, to me, is more important than fashion. Style is personal and unique but fashion is generally for everybody. Do you know your very own personal style statement? Lemme help you with it! 

Discover Your Personal Style Statement

I have to thank Bro. Ezra for spurring me to define my style statement. After our little chat, I delved into my wardrobe to SEE myself through my clothes. Now I am proud to say I have a style statement I know my style statement.

I want to hopefully lead you into your own style journaling bliss too.


POEM: You Are Sin

Oh. how did we meet?
Did I invite you?

I can only remember
That night,
In the darkness
It was an unclear picture of you
You came in . . .


RELATIONSHIP: Every Woman Should Take A Deliberate Fast From Men

Sometimes it’s hard to discover your true purpose and identity when you are always attached or involved with someone else. Can you take a break?

30-Day Man Fast

First of all, don't get it twisted. This is not saying men are evil or distractions. This is also not a “Girl, you don’t need a man, be an Independent woman” type of post. I am not telling you to leave the man in your life if you are in a God-ordained, loving relationship.


Dear Diary, I attended My First Yoruba Traditional Wedding

Yoruba people like party. As in! If you've been to any Yoruba wedding ceremony, you know what I mean. It is usually nothing less than flamboyant. I hear it is the same process everywhere.

I attended one for the first time in my life, and believe me, it was beautiful.

Yoruba Traditional Wedding

Bunmi, the beautiful bride. 

Girl, aren't those accessories gorgeous?!

I love weddings. I have proved it here, here, and there.

At every wedding I have attended, the bride is always the star of the day. I wasn't surprised to see Bunmi looking gorgeous and shining brighter than a diamond on her traditional wedding day.


What Successful Blogging Means To God

As a blogger, or I should say as an entrepreneur, I know how challenging it can be to want success so badly and get . . . nothing.

Seeing Success God's Way

I've always believed in having a positive outlook on everything, and usually, I stay true to this. But I also know how unbelievably hard it is to keep smiling when it seems like one thing after another is going wrong.


STYLE: Geek-Chic On Ankara Bow Tie

Hi sweethearts! What's popping? It's Sunday! Let's talk about style and shed a little light on fashion. Shall we?

I love wearing ties. There are more than 20 pictures of me on different ties in the style post titled 'Feminizing The Tie' and a couple on 'Coupling Up'. Ties are one of my favourite statement pieces.


Note To Self: Don't Be Scared

There’s something great ahead. There’s something greater that you are meant to do and meant to be. But you are scared.

Don't Be Scared

This is to remind you that you have to push a little further and fly a little higher than you are used to – even if you are scared.


Why Your "Why" Is Most Important

Today's post is quite personal and delicate. It's one I wrote with trepidation because it can make or mar my business. I hope it doesn't only inspire you to question your self, but also give you the light you need to find answers.

My Most Personal Ethics

As a lifestyle blogger, I often write about various aspects that cut across the way we express ourselves - from how we live life, to how we value our relationships, to how we style our clothes, and to how we run our businesses. It's a wide range of many things, I must say.


RELATIONSHIP: How To Deal With Being Horny As A Christian Single

Lol. Yeah, we all get horny! It doesn't make any difference if you're a virgin or not. Our hormones do not care whether we are born again or not. They do not care whether we have the Holy Spirit in us or not. They do what they do . . . drive us crazy!

Dealing With Your Sex Drive

I am not supposed to say this, but I will: I told one of my boyfriends that I was horny. And he was beyond surprised, "you get horny too?"
Yes, honey. We get as horny as you guys do.


12 Struggles Only Those Who Wear Glasses Understand

So I have been wearing prescription glasses since 2002, and it's been a journey! There is the good, the bad and the just so annoying moments of wearing prescription glasses. 

And I have come to develop a special love for those who wear glasses because I understand their pain. They are the strongest set of people. Lol. 

The Struggles Of Wearing Glasses

Let me start by saying Twitter is currently my favourite Social media platform. It gives me freedom to be cool and crazy as I please. I drop it like it's hot when I'm there. And I am one of the few people who take that outlet seriously. I mean, I don't just tweet for the sake of tweeting. I tweet to connect, to share and to inspire.


Are You Employed Or Being Exploited?

You leave work feeling tired, frustrated, and angry. During the long ride home and in traffic, you ask yourself, “Am I being exploited?”

Stop Expoitation

As it is popularly stated: one man's meat is another man's poison. That is the case exactly.

Exploitation is subjective. What one person thinks of as slavery/labour is another person’s chance of gaining valuable experience or putting food on the table.


What I Wore: Ankara Peplum Skirt (Collection)

Ankara is an ever versatile fabric that isn't going anywhere soon. Why wouldn't you rock it in every style? That's why I'm here to inspire you. *winks*

Skirt + Cape

Ankara is not new to us. It's one of our favourite Sunday style features.


PHOTO: How To Stay On Fire

Some of the most inspiring people in the world have a purpose and passion in life that’s so strong, you can sense it's from the very core of their being. They are ON FIRE!

And one of the best ways to stay on fire is to FIND YOUR INNER DRIVE.

My people, drive is the way to go. This is how I do:

1. I wake up with a Demand for my vision - What is your vision? What motivates your vision? Success? Freedom? It could be anything.


What You Should Look Out For In Your Relationship

Hiya! It's Love-Wednesday! One of the most essential needs of our heart is to love and be loved. Since we are wired for relationships, one would think it is easy to choose partners. But the truth is, some of us repeatedly choose the wrong people. 

No More Wrong Relationships

Someone recently asked me whether I was ready for marriage, I am yet to answer that question.


Dear Diary, I Know It With All My Heart

This morning I woke up with a deep feeling of God's love. I felt His arms around me. I mean, I got a hug from God! 

God's Hug

Lord, you have examined me and you know me.
You know everything I do;
    from far away you understand all my thoughts.


3 Awesome Blessings For The Unemployed

This is the second part of 'How To Stay Hopeful While Searching For A Job'.

Yes, I'm an entrepreneur. But I am also somewhere between having a job and no job.

Blessed Are The Unemployed

After the interview, days turned to weeks and weeks turned to months, yet I heard nothing from anyone.
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