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DIARY: November to Remember (2023)

Oh, my! So much can happen in one month! It’s incredible how this month has turned into a lifetime of milestones. Wow! 

November Highlights 2023

It has been a custom for me since 2017 to be very intentional about capturing my moments, blessings and lessons IN November. I don’t know what inspired this tradition, but I do know that I am never the same person by the end of November. I’m always evolving – from being broken to healed, single to married, married to pregnant, overwhelmed mother to joyful mother, and all that good stuff. I’m thankful for the Holy Spirit who quickens me to rise up to the challenge every single year. 

Here are the highlights of my November 2023:

1. Best Portrait So Far

During my quiet time, I got a leading to create a portrait of me on my branded T-shirt, inscribed AMAKAMEDIA. So I penned it down on my to-do list for the weekend. I thought I’d go to the studio to do that. 

The next day during my quiet time, the Holy Spirit prompted me about the portrait. I was so restless. He wanted me to get it done like right NOW. 

Immediately, I rushed to powder my face and apply some lip gloss. Then, I switched on my ring light, set my phone on timer and SNAPPED. 


I Asked 4 People, “Who Do You Say That I Am?”

Let’s look at it this way; I am following the footsteps of Jesus in the stunning context where he asked his disciples this question, “What are the people saying about me, the Son of Man? Who do they believe I am?” They answered, “Some are convinced you are John the Baptizer, others say you are Elijah reincarnated, or Jeremiah, or one of the prophets.”

But you—who do you say that I am?” Jesus asked.

Narrowing Down My Niche

Sometimes you start to doubt your own unique identity. Sometimes you get confused with the reality of what you’re trying to do and how you’re going about it. Sometimes you just need more depth in understanding what you are already doing. I wanted to see me through the lens of my closest friends… and they showed up for me in a different way than I expected them to. 

I am humbled to think that this is what S, P, M and B think of me. 

Question 1:
When you think of "AMAKAMEDIA," what vibes or feelings do you get?

S: One who is very passionate and pours her emotions into her content.

P: Vibes of authenticity and openness.

M: Amaka as a person.  Personal blog, where she shares her journey, news or some stuffs like that.


Question 2:
What words or phrases pop into your head when you hear "AMAKAMEDIA"?


Don’t be a Silhouette of Your Authentic Self

Welcome to November! I am really excited about this month. I can’t really point a finger to WHAT exactly I am excited about but I’m very sure that it’s partly because I am growing up and becoming the woman I am called to be. Wow! What a woman I am!

Don’t Become Your Own Best Impersonator

I have been gleaning from a number of inspiring women since the WOWMAN Conference. As in! God has women oh! I see the amazing things He is doing with/through the lives of these women and I’m like, “I want to be in this army!”. 

I am currently seeking God’s face to UNDERSTAND the uniqueness and specifications of my design, makeup and purpose. I am seeking clear-cut direction and focus-driven vision. I have a burning desire to step into my season as a woman who is:

ACTIVELY positioned in her unique place of assignment ✔️

POWERFULLY armed with strategic tools for execution  ✔️

AUDACIOUSLY living out authenticity, grace and love ✔️

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