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Don't Be A Fool Watching TV

There is a difference between "watching TV makes you a fool" and "don't be a fool watching TV". Just so you don't get it twisted.

I'd rather tell you how not to be a fool while watching TV.

How To Watch TV Productively

I am an introvert but a lot of people find it hard to believe, because the kind of work I do constantly pushes me out of my comfort zone to "present" an extroverted personality. I like it anyway.

The truth is, when I'm home, I stay locked up in my room most of the time.

My parents (I live with mum and dad. Got a problem with that? Lol) never stop complaining about how I always stay locked up in my room. Ask me, what do they want me to come out to do in the living room? To watch TV!

And I tend to feel guilty when I'm watching TV.

I cannot sit and watch TV without doing something. If I don't do anything alongside, I'd feel like I am wasting my time and losing control of my destiny. Not kidding. (Yes, it's that deep!) 

Or, am I alone in this? 

If you spend hours watching interesting documentaries, TV-shows that expand your knowledge about the world, expose you to new ideas and experiences, then that could be time well spent. However, if all you do is watch clueless programmes that switch off your brain and blurs your mind, you are not my kind of person!

My kind of people are creative and productive. They are purpose-driven and focused.

We are on this journey of living life creatively together. So I thought it'd be cool to tell you how I feel productive (and less guilty) while watching TV (when I want to please my parents and stop them from complaining). 

Here are the things I do to feel much less guilty when I'm watching TV:

Mend Clothes

Sew up those patches! While you’re sitting in front of the TV, fix any missing buttons, fix any hems that may be coming down, do all those little niggly sewing jobs. And for those who can knit, knit!

Make List

Put up a shopping list, wish list, to-do list. Make watching TV the preparatory process for an activity like shopping, cooking, or sewing. 

Clean Shoes

Not sure you can do this, but try. Get all your shoes out, some newspaper and polish and buff away.

Iron Clothes

Ironed clothing looks so much better and more professional. You agree, right? If you don't enjoy ironing, the better time to go about it is while watching TV.

Sit Ups

Good time to exercise. During an advertisement, do it. It will make you feel good on both the outside and the inside. Your body will thank you for it. 


If you’re such a colour person like me, try out many colours to know what's best for the time. While you’re at it, why not include a pedicure – Get a tub of warm water and soak your feet before you begin – you won’t believe how good it feels. Finish off with a foot massage. A-ha!

Check Dictionary

It's amazing how you suddenly hear a word you never knew on TV. Grab your dictionary, that's a good way to improve your vocabulary.

Sharpen makeup pencils

I have just one pencil. As you know I'm not into the makeup craze. But it’s one of those things you can do – sharpen all your makeup pencils (and clean up your makeup purse).


Lol. Who cares? Write away! You just never know the idea that might come in a sec. Pen it down immediately. (I don't feel guilty when I write while watching TV. In fact, I do feel like I'm cheating nature.)


Yes, Pray. Lol. No jokes. You can pray in the spirit to cover some grounds and recover lost ones.

My living room might be completely different from yours. What do you while watching TV?

Redeem Your Time

This is practically what the Bible means by "redeeming the time" in Ephesians 5:16.

Here is what I discovered:

Let's assume you graduated from the university at 22 and you have to work till you're 70. Therefore, you have 48 years of your life to be productive.

Any activity you engage in for only 30 minutes a day in the course of your 48-year productive work life will take one solid year of your life! Any activity you engage for only 60 minutes a day will take two solid years of your 48.

One-half hour spent is to 24 hours as one hour is to 48 hours. The commutative ratio reveals that this is so. Likewise, one hour is to 48 hours as one year is to 48 years.

Formula For Redeeming Your Time

½ hour = 24 hours
1 hour = 48 hours
1 year = 48 years

(Surprised? Yeah, I've got a solid background in mathematics.)

If you watch TV, on average, for 30 minutes a day, in the course of 48 years you’ve spent one whole year, non-stop, watching TV. Can you see how the time in our life is being taken up?

The cumulative impact of being unproductive, is that your precious years are being consumed. You cannot reclaim consumed time. That's scary!

TV Is Not Bad

I don't hate TV o. I only think it takes up a lot of my time and gives me little or nothing in return. Besides, TV is a one-way medium without engagement and interaction. You only sit and watch. *whispers* That's why I love radio!

Maybe I've not found my dream TV station/show yet. Or, maybe I would have to establish my very own TV station/show in the nearest future. Who knows? Lol.

On a lighter note, spend more time on activities that ingnite your fire, stimulate your creativity and empower you to become more productive. . . It's not just about TV. 

P.S. Always keep in mind that we are commanded to be fruitful, and we can't afford to waste any more time. Here's wishing you a more productive November as October ends today. *blows kisses*

What's that thing you do that makes you feel foolish or guilty? When do you feel productive?

Written by Nwamaka Ajaegbu 
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