• https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-OY2wnEGn_cE/V80uockjicI/AAAAAAAAZ8o/r_3CotN5E6U-CUieGteAgUvmn7wuNEzrQCLcB/s1600/do%2Bnot%2Bbe%2Bweary%2Bin%2Bwell%2Bdoinf.jpg


RELATIONSHIP: When He Chooses Another Woman Over You

I’ve witnessed many situations where the “main chick” becomes the “side chick” and have experienced a half of one.

When He Chooses Her Over You

I am not psychic and cannot look into your individual situation. But what I can do is try to shed some light for you so that you can understand.

It won't be too long before it dawns on you that some men don't know what they want or need. And you can’t know what a man needs or wants when he has you yet chooses someone else over you.


Dear Diary, I'm The Biggest Hypocrite Ever

Few mornings ago as I sat down and reflected on my struggles with sin, I wrote this on my private diary.

Say What You Do

I'm probably the biggest hypocrite who blogs. I act very religious and talk about loving God with all my heart, but I end up doing things that I'd be embarrassed to even admit.

I know I shouldn't do it, but I did.

I am now a mystery to myself. I don't even understand how I think. I am baffled by my own experience. I am driven by motives and urges I don't even understand, let alone control.


5 Tips For Staying Stylish When It's Raining In Nigeria

First of all, are we in the rainy season? Me I'm not understanding oh. One minute it’s all bright and shiny, the next minute it’s raining cats and dogs.

Last Thursday, the heavens opened and the rain poured for hours on end. It had me thinking about what to wear the next day. Hence this post . .

Staying Stylish On Rainy Days

Source: Getty Images

Dressing for rainy days takes a little more thought because you cannot just come, pick and go. Nope. You have to consider the weather and the roads, or else you might find yourself drenched, dirty and damaged.(Any better word starting with 'D'? I wanted an alliteration moment there. Lol).

Every time the cloud gets dark and the cold wind blows, it seems like the perfect time to stay indoors. The best part is settling down with a warm blanket (or wrapper), tucked in bed with a cup of tea and a good movie or a good book. You get!


Time To Unleash The "Child" In You

Sometimes we wish we could be children again. But the good news is: We can. You may be "grown up" now but your inner child is still alive.

Can you think of anything you have done in the past that you would describe as fun?

What's Fun To You?

Image source: G+

There is an unspoken expectation that comes with being a “grown up”, everything child-like dissipates with that growth forever. But what we may have not realized is that the coping mechanisms we need as adults to get around any stressful season are inherently learned when we were children.


These 2 Secrets Will Make Your Boss Love You

I remember calling my former boss to wish him a 'Happy New Month' after a very long time. He didn't start out with the usual "hello. . . " The first thing he said when he picked up the phone was "The one and only Amaka," my heart melted. 😊

You all agree we should run Love-Wednesday and Career-Wednesday simultaneously, yeah? It's Career-Wednesday!

How To Make Your Boss Love You

Do you have a boss?

I am the boss of my own, and I have a boss.

If you haven't grown enough to work for only yourself, then you must also have a boss to report to. Provided they're not the devil incarnate, we can have a good relationship with our bosses.

Many times we think the key to winning the heart of our bosses is by showing up early, looking busy or being a pushover. In some cases, that may work, but the best way to get your bosses love (and not go against your personal values) is to:


Dear Diary, Would Jesus Take Selfies?

It's no new gist that I enjoy being in front of the camera. My pictures are everywhere on this blog. Got to ask myself one day "Why do I love the camera this much?". Shocked to find out God had an issue with that. 

Camera Obsession

Sometimes I wonder what Jesus would have done if he lived in this age of digital cameras and camera phones. Would he have posted pictures of himself hanging out by the water's edge, having a few glasses of wine at the wedding at Cana, or standing next to that tree with the caption "Last weekend was lit!"?


When You Worry About Living Out God's Plan

Wouldn’t it be awesome to wake up every (Monday) morning and be assured you’re on the right path towards your (God-given) goals? To know with certainty that you’re headed in the right direction?

Too many times I’ve second-guessed a decision I was confident about.

Lord, What Do You Want Me To Do?

On many occasions, I’ve wondered if I was disrupting God’s plan for me. I so don't want to miss it. Ah, I don't.

I know there are so many different things that happen in this life, from the trivial to the most important, where so many different options of action or inaction are open and they all have their pros and cons.

I also know we can never truly know what's going on in God's mind, but can He not want us to have at least some idea of what He wants us to do so that we can do it?


What I Wore To Church Today

Happy Sunday, online people! This is the first time I'd be using that phrase here. How are you doing, online people? Now, this is the second time. Lol. People, I am still in church at 4PM!

My local church (in Lagos, Nigeria) believes that Sunday is a day to be dedicated to God, by spending the entire day in church. Phew.

What I Wore To Church

ankara shift dress

Service was awesome today. After service, another service started. After that, another one. It's how we roll in my local church. And I'm not complaining. No. 😢

While the last "service" was going on, I decided to be creative with time. I went to the stairs, took selfies and . . . then this.


Friendship Break Up: Give Yourself Time To Heal

A friend suggested I go out to see more movies so I can forget this friend I was grieving over. I agreed. Only to start crying at the scene where a guy was telling a girl he's got her back after saving her from hoodlums. Lol.

Sometimes, these things don't help as much. But we should never stop trying to find healing.

Give Yourself Time To Heal

When you lose a friend, there are no songs, movies or books to help you. You look around and realize your friend is no longer there. Your entire world feels like it’s crashing down around you, but that doesn’t mean you won’t get through it. I know how it feels, I have been there, and did I survive?


DIARY: Yellow! Water Salt Of Brown Weekend!

When someone asks you "how was your weekend?" and you want to describe your weekend in one sentence without leaving any part of the story behind, what would you say? I got an idea; use colours.

Your response will help you discern those who really care whether your weekend went well and those who just ask for the sake of it. Those who care would ask for more details and those who don't care would either smile or shrug.

For those who care, here is the loong gist of last weekend . . .

Yellow-Water-Salt-Brown Weekend 

Yellow! Water Salt of Brown Weekend! appears to me as the best caption for this post. There is so much to tell you, but where/how do I start from? From the moment I left the house on Saturday to the moment I got home, a million events occurred. I might have to break this experience into parts.

Let's start like this:


Why Do You Study The Bible? And Must You?

I'm in that season where God questions my motives and intentions. It's not a very interesting one. I feel every form of art I hold dear is gradually slipping away from me. The "why" questions are breaking me.

Why Study The Bible

When I was studying the book of Joshua, I had no intention to share it with anyone. I innocently wanted to personally understand the concept of discovering the promised land, entering into the promised land, and taking over the promised land.

As I began the study, I was totally dazed at the things I was blessed enough to understand. I was thrilled by the new insight. I became excited and thought I couldn't keep them to myself.


Come To Terms With The Real You

Hi. This is a style post with a little inspirational twist. Does the length of the skirt matter?

The Real You

You can fake it. You can pretend for as long as you want.

You can fake holiness. You can fake piety. You can fake morality. You can fake righteousness. You can fake sister Mary. You can even fake happening babe. Everything  is fakeable.


21 Inspiring Quotes That Can Move You To Return To God

We all need a little inspiration at different seasons in our lives - to lift us up from routine, help us meet life's challenges and push us towards the things that truly matter. 

Quotes on Repentance 

Have you ever gone through an experience that makes you wonder if God still cares? Or, are you going through a situation that makes you want to hide away from God?

Here is a collection of quotes from a variety of influential Christians that inspire us and point us back to Christ. Enjoy these many different thoughts on the Christian life.


How To Survive A Friendship Breakup

Maybe you walked away or naturally grew apart, maybe the friendship turned toxic, or maybe a fall-out was involved. No matter the circumstances, a friendship breakup can really take its toll. 

It is harrrrrrd.

6 ways To Survive A Breakup

The most stinging part about losing a friendship is that when it happens, it seems you've lost the person you once were.

Even if the breakup was a long time coming, how do we overcome the immense hurt and loneliness of losing that piece of ourselves?


Dear Diary, My Hairstylist Should Be Arrested For This

It's not fun to sit in a chair for hours while a virtual stranger does some things in your face and you leave looking ugly. :(

Issues With Hairdressers

I generally have trust issues with hairstylists, so I am very particular about who I allow to touch my hair.


Don't Forget The Word After A Successful Outcome

The end of a thing is more important than the beginning. Joshua 8 ended beautifully and inspiringly. Still on the PYH Series . . .

Remember The Word Even After Success

Joshua (in chapter 1) had been commanded from the start to meditate on God's word. In Joshua 8, his army had defeated the city of Ai, just as God had predicted. Then came the decision point. Would Joshua celebrate this victory or give glory to God? Here's what we are told,
Afterward, Joshua read all the words of the law-the blessings and the curses--just as it is written in the Book of the Law. There was not a word of all that Moses had commanded that Joshua did not read to the whole assembly of Israel, including the women and children, and the aliens who lived among them. - Joshua 8:34-35


STYLE: Lol. It Doesn't Matter Whether It's Vintage Or "Okrika"

I would definitely shop okrika (as we call it) even if I make all the money in the world. Lol. You just never know what you might find in a thrift shop. I like the uniqueness you get with vintage clothing.

Vintage For Work

So I found another lace skirt. Yay.

I don't know when my love for fashion started exactly. For long, my priority when it came to fashion — and existence in general — was to be unique.

I never was satisfied with the "ready-made" clothes my mum got for me while growing up. And I didn't hide my dissatisfaction. She was always complaining about my ingratitude. Poor woman. I am sorry mum. I love you. :D


Friendship Breakup: The Worst Heartbreak Ever

Hello! Yes, it's been a while I wrote about love and relationships. I might have unknowingly clicked a pause to that aspect of my life. It recently dawned on me that anything I try to hide from you hurts me even deeper. 

So I'm back to writing on relationships again after going through a roller coaster ride of emotions.

The Heartbreak That Comes From A Lost Friendship

Image source: G+

Heartbreak is commonly used after a break up with a boyfriend, girlfriend or spouse, but it is not strictly limited to that. You can feel absolutely heartbroken over a friendship, and to be honest, it is the worst kind.


Dear Diary, Blogging Changes Me

"Why do you blog?" Sometimes I wonder why I’m bothering too. I mean, what’s the point?

Blogging Changes Me

Through the course of my life, I’ve embraced a number of different hobbies: reading, singing, voicing, hosting, modelling, sewing, just to name a few. But none of them have changed my life or brought me as much fulfilment as blogging.

In too many ways to count, blogging has changed me and the way I LIVE life.


You Are More Powerful When You Are Pure

We are still on the PYH Series . . . Joshua 8.

After the sin of Achan was eradicated in Joshua Chapter 7, the Israelites could now take over the land of Ai without a struggle. Aww . . .

Be Obedient

As soon as Archan was stone to death (his sin completely eradicated). The Lord now said to Joshua in the very first verse of Chapter 8:

"Fear not, neither be dismayed: take all the people of war with you, arise, go up to Ai: see, I have given into thy hand the king of AI, and his people and his city, and his land:"
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