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3 Awesome Blessings For The Unemployed

This is the second part of 'How To Stay Hopeful While Searching For A Job'.

Yes, I'm an entrepreneur. But I am also somewhere between having a job and no job.

Blessed Are The Unemployed

After the interview, days turned to weeks and weeks turned to months, yet I heard nothing from anyone.

Following up emails, calling HR professionals, and executing every networking strategy I learned in school led me to dead ends and sheer frustration. I started to panic.

My prayers for deliverance became cries for strength. I needed God to take me out of the pain because I did not see the purpose, yet it was not until much later that I realized how necessary this stage is in order to redirect my life.

Here are the things I have discovered from being unemployed that I would have never discovered if I didn't look deeply;

1. Discovery Of True Value

We live in a world where our value is determined by the external. Our profession and the ability to achieve set goals are tied to who we are. 

Being unemployed, I have learned to find value outside of my bank statement. I looked internally for the things that make me wake up in the morning. I have found other ways to be content and self-sufficient, which allows me to discover new interests , skills and relationships. 

My value is not determined by how many hours I can put in a week, but how satisfied I become with my character and daily actions.

2. Perspective On Purpose vs. Money

l liked the job I had but it didn't fit. It paid the bills, but it left me stifled. When I left the position, I was able to see clearly what to do versus what I thought I had to do. 

I have dreams that have been nagging at me for years. So, I am trying out new things. I started and finished projects I normally didn’t have time for. I sketched out what might eventually become the layout for my company (yeah!) and I am reevaluating my perspective of being happy and living in the moment. 

My search for a job has become less about finding money and more about fulfilling my purpose, which never before had crossed my mind when I was punching a clock.

3. Strength To Embrace the Struggle

Things never just happen. What may seem like a surprise to us is never a surprise to God. Instead of asking God “Why?” I should have been asking Him “What?”

Ask: What is it that you want me to do? What do you want me to learn? What do you want me to see that I could not have seen before? God never makes mistakes (no matter how much we try to second guess our circumstances). 

If you find yourself unemployed, know that you are being prepared for the next stage in your life. So allow God to shift your focus.

Maybe it is time to start that business, go back to school, or anything else you have put off due to the excuse of full-time employment. Just saying.

You Are Blessed

Being unemployed is undoubtedly a fearful experience, but it is not the end of the road. Although you may question your talents and gifts during periods of uncertainty, although you may feel inadequate, but remember this: 

Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to your life? Since you cannot do this very little thing, why do you worry about the rest?
~ Luke 12:25-26

Why worry? Relax and enjoy where you are!

Although Jesus never said "blessed are the umemployed", but he did mention "blessed are the poor in spirit".

Or, as The Message Bible puts it, "You're blessed when you're at the end of your rope." So it is a blessing to be unemployed! We are blessed in being dependent, jobless, without resources.

We're blessed poor being poor in recognition and status. Oh, yes!

We are blessed because we're experiencing God's fatherly care. We've had enough money to live on, even without a salary. We've opened in ourselves a small window on the experience of what it means to be poor. Therefore, when we get the job, it will yield more fruits for us because good seeds have been sown in our hearts. 

4. Word Of Wisdom

I almost forgot to mention that being unemployed brings out the best of what you know. You are wiser than before. I never thought I could write this article until I had no job. Yeah, yeah. I now have my very own quotes on the blessings of unemployment. (When you quote me, put my name on it, please!)

Sweetie, this situation you are in is temporary, have faith as you transition to the next level, and use this time to grow and reflect. Trust your brilliance, trust your struggle, and, most importantly, trust God.

Here is wishing you a great week as you grow in faith, hope, wisdom, and love. Cheers.

Being an entrepreneur and being an employee, which is easier? 

Written by Nwamaka Ajaegbu 
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