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I wanted to be selfish with this one. I was pushing the thought of writing this article for another one. But my spirit wouldn't let me!


I've been accused of being too spiritual (whatever that means). If it is what I'm thinking, then I'm not even close yet. Oh no, I'm not!

To be spiritual is to be drunk in the Spirit. And I am still sipping and swallowing. My thirst is not even quenched yet, let alone getting drunk.

Just recently, I have started getting a bit uptight to say "God told me that" or "the Spirit says". I usually find a way to let it slip without saying so directly (unless when I'm in the midst of my Christian friends). I don't know how else to write, blog, or do anything whatsoever without putting "God" in it. I have tried, and I have failed woefully.

I'm a media personality (who is not so popular yet. Lol. Yes, I have to say it). Generally, media personalities are not exactly the "God said" kind of people. Perhaps if they are, they don't declare it publicly.

Sometimes I look through my blog posts, and I get scared that I might not get the job I dream because I'm a "God this . . . God that" kind of person.

I can't help it. This is who I am.

Last weekend, during my quiet time. I had a deep conversation with God. He definitely knew what was going on in my mind at that time.

An excerpt:

God: Who do you want to become?

Me: Erm . . . (For once in my life. I didn't know the answer to that question) Lord, I want to become the person You want me to become.

God: Great. So who do you think I want you to become?

Me: Ah, Dear Lord, You know it already. A woman who speaks about . . .

I believe He was smiling while I shared my beautiful dream.

Then He said,

God: My sweet Amaka, in Me you live. In Me you move. And in Me you have your being. Just so you know, whatever it is you have chosen to become . . . you are becoming more like Me.

It hit me!

What was I thinking?!

Me: Yes. Yes. Yes, Lord!

Right now, God works in us: 
“We, who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord's glory, are being transformed into His likeness with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord” 
~ 2 Corinthians 3:18 

One day, the process will be complete:
"This will continue until we are . . . mature, just as Christ is, and we will be completely like him." 
~ Ephesians 4:13, CEV

We are human beings created in God's image. God cares more about what we are becoming than what we are doing. He is much more concerned about our character (the heart) than our career, because it is our character (the state of our heart) that will take us to heaven.

Hmm . . . Sip that in a bit more slowly.

Jesus did not die on the cross just so we could live comfortably, achieve goals and "enjoy" life. His purpose is far deeper and higher; He wants to make us like Himself (before we get to heaven).

This is our greatest privilege, our primary purpose, and our ultimate destiny - To become like Him. 


Written by Nwamaka Ajaegbu 
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