• https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-OY2wnEGn_cE/V80uockjicI/AAAAAAAAZ8o/r_3CotN5E6U-CUieGteAgUvmn7wuNEzrQCLcB/s1600/do%2Bnot%2Bbe%2Bweary%2Bin%2Bwell%2Bdoinf.jpg


STYLE: Go From Lazy To Lovely With Monochrome

It’s time to clean up our acts, ladies! What do you understand by "Monochromatic fashion"? When was the first time you heard it? Don't lie! lmho. jk.

Even though monochrome is not a very new style, I get intrigued by it on lazy days.

Going Monochrome With Green

What is a monochromatic fashion? The first time I heard this word, I was like "mono-chromo-what?" Fashion terms have their way of making me sound stupid like "Which one is vintage again?" and like "Oh, I'm a geek-chic?!" Funny terms.

Monochromatic fashion is a mouthful but it explains today's look perfectly.


One Way To Survive Sitting In The Office All Day

I'd choose to work lying down on a couch than sitting at a desk if I had the chance. Sitting at a desk for more than an hour is actually not a good thing. Hope you know?

It's career-Wednesday! Found ONE tip while making a research about my sudden back pain.

Prevent Back Pain At Work

source: g+

I typed "How to reduce back pain" on Google search box and the MAJOR thing that stood out was:

Change your posture at intervals. 

So if you work in an office and use a computer most of the time, this tip is especially for you . . .

No matter how comfortable you are in an office chair, prolonged static posture is not good for the back and is a common contributor to back pain and muscle strain.


DIARY: The Fabric, The Model And The Mannequin (Part 2)

I am generally not fascinated by mannequins. Some can be so creepy that they give you nightmares. They will haunt you if you buy the clothes they display. I'm not kidding!

. . . Continued from previous diary entry.

Mannequin Competing With A Model?

I think it's about time stores caught the drift: Customers want to see beautiful mannequins modelling the clothes they're deciding to buy.


Leaders Are Mostly Morning People

Hiya! Praise the Lord! We've already covered 7 chapters out of the 24 chapters in the book of Joshua. Glory! May each Word that we have received bear much more fruits in our hearts in Jesus name. Amen.

Missed any part of the series? CLICK HERE.

Before we move over to the 8th chapter, my mind is drawn to something about Joshua . . .

Joshua Was An Early Riser

You know that moment when you want to turn over to the next page and your eyes catch a word that makes you stop to think? Yes, that was what happened when I was about to turn over to chapter 8.

I saw this:

Joshua 7:16 - So Joshua rose early in the morning . . . 


STYLE: When Your Fabric Is Everything

Happy Sunday! How are you? And your weekend? Everything is fine and everyone is good over here. :)

Fabric Is Everything

You walk into a store to peruse the latest tops and dresses on the racks and see if you can pick one or two. But as you're looking through, what makes you decide whether you want something?


DIARY: A New Rhythm With God

I honestly didn't know I was going to do this. It's a spontaneous post. Since I have defined Rhythm With God on Instagram, I don't think we should have it repeated here. If you're not following yet, please do. 😇

Rhythm With God

It's a beautiful thing when you find your rhythm and get in sync with God's plan for your life.


You Cannot Afford To Be Distracted

In Chapter 7 of the book of Joshua, because of the sin of one Israelite, Israel could no longer stand before their enemies. They grew so weak. Choi. 

Stay Focused

Sin is so underrated. If only we knew how much time, power and focus we lose each time we go against God's word.


STYLE: Laced With Love

Hey sweeties! Happy Easter! Yes, we are celebrating God's love. Praying that His love permeates your entire being this season.

Because I'm in love with helping you feel and look your best, I thought to tell you to try lace fabrics. You really should!

Lace Skirt

This skirt was not one of those pieces you see on a rail in a shop, you grab, try on, and instantly love. I had many doubts about it. I almost dropped it. But thank God I didn't!


PODCAST: Find a Way to Feel God's Love

It's Good Friday.  Let's open our hearts to feel God's love afresh. 

Rays of Love. . .


What If You Get Sacked Or Lose Your Job Today? Just Asking

We don't pray for bad things to happen, but they still happen. On our journey to building our career, we need to be prepared for the unexpected. Preparations brings confidence and peace to get through the storm.

6 Things To Do When Sacked

Career Tips

"You are fired" is one of the facts of working life, and it can happen to any of us. We can lose our jobs for a number of reasons. Whatever the reason, if it happens to you, there is no cause for alarm.


DIARY: The Fabric, The Model And The Mannequin

Choosing fabric is the most important step in sewing a dress. So I visited an Ankara store because that's my preferred fabric anytime everyday.

On one hand, I visited the store to feed my pretty eyes. And on the other hand, I went with a little hope to find something that fits my preference and matches my pocket.

Ankara Is NOT African?

"Hollandais is from Holland na." The guy at the store said.

That shouldn't have suprised me, because obviously, it is right there in the name - HOLLANDais. But for some only-God-know reason I was shocked.

It felt like I had a sharp pain in my chest. I think my head was spinning too.


Honestly, I Have Been Too Busy For God

Happy New Week! How are you doing? It's time for Bible Study!

Let's not forget that our goal in the PYH series is not merely to increase our knowledge; but to change our lives. One focal point of the Book of Joshua is about winning the battle to inherit the Promised Land.

Submit To God . . . Everything Is A Threat

Two nights before I decided to put this post together, I had a dream. All I can remember about the dream was what a young man said to me after picking me up from . . . I can't remember. I don't know where.

He said, 'Everything is a threat!"


How To Rock A Bodycon Dress Modestly

Many people may not consider the bodycon dress as modest, but it is undeniably a bold statement of self-esteem and body confidence. It all depends on how you wear it according to your body shape and size.

Rocking Bodycon Dresses Modestly

I guess it's wise to not assume everyone knows what a bodycon dress is. Hello brothers! ðŸ˜‰

Here is a simple description:
A bodycon dress is a one-piece figure hugging garment that clings tightly to the body.
The bodycon dress can be a girl's best friend or worst nightmare.

One may be tempted to think this dress is a quick and simple solution to achieving the perfect look, but it can be tricky if you don’t have a body of a supermodel (and really, how many of us do?).


Have You Got That "Friday Feeling" Too?

Yay! It's Friday, sweeties. Tell your boss you just want to playyyyy!

Lol. There is something about Fridays. Friday and fun are a match made in heaven. There’s that tinge of relaxation in the air that makes concentrating at work a lot harder than usual. You know what I'm talking about, right?

That Friday Friday

Whether you have a job or not, you love your job or not, Friday is a day to look forward to.


The Skills You Use For Work May Suck You Dry Or Leave You Inspired

It's Career-Wednesday! I enjoy writing these articles so much. I hope you enjoy reading them too. Huh? :)

Whether you have a job or you are searching for a job, it is important to a make a PURPOSEful connection between your skills and the requirement of your employer.

Connect Your Skills To Your Job

You are blessed. You are intelligent. You are skillful. You've got talent. You are too much. You are good like that. Glory to God.


God Is Home

I love the smell of new beginnings. It's refreshing to even think about it. Welcome to a new week sweethearts!

God Is Our Home

I currently have three hard copies of different versions of the Bible - The Kings James Version (KJV), The Good News Translation (GNT) and The New Revised Standard Version (NRSV). But I usually like to study with the Bible App on my phone because I can navigate all through different versions easily and faster.


5 Tips On How To Look Amazing (And Stop Being Shy) In Front Of The Camera

Hey sweeties! Welcome to April - a month of true love and happiness! Did someone try to make you look like a fool yesterday? Tell that person to go read Happy April Wise! asap.

It's Sunday-style. Today I want to share with you some tips I've picked up.

How To Pose Like A Model

If those who do not enjoy taking pictures are said to be camera-shy, then what do you call those who enjoy taking pictures? Camera-bold!

I am so camera-bold. Lol.
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