• https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-OY2wnEGn_cE/V80uockjicI/AAAAAAAAZ8o/r_3CotN5E6U-CUieGteAgUvmn7wuNEzrQCLcB/s1600/do%2Bnot%2Bbe%2Bweary%2Bin%2Bwell%2Bdoinf.jpg


The Land Is Yours For The Taking

There are some lessons you learn in life that cannot be taught in schools, like lessons on character development. 

Character is never built in a classroom. Character is built in the circumstances of life. 

Introducing 'Prepare Your Heart' Series (PYH Series)

When I blog,  I do not blog as one who knows it all but as one who has got a little experience and learnt a few things.


STYLE: Hide Your Colour In Black And White

Yipee! This is my first style post of 2017. I don't even know why I'm excited. Lol. It's not a weird thing to be happy for no particular reason, right? :)

Black And White

If I have my way, I'd wear a combination of red, yellow, blue and green everyday. I love colours, and I enjoy living in them literally. However, I chose to hide my colour on my first day at work.


How To Change Your Life Like A Dream

I am sitting on my chair, and I am reflecting on how I got to this place. Have you ever found yourself in a place where you start to think you are dreaming or living in another world? That's how I feel today. Life is changing . . .

Track The Changes In Your Life

Source: g+

Someone asked me, "Amaka, what's even the big deal in you having a job?". And I couldn't explain the deal. It is huge for me!


Why It's So Hard To Make Decisions

Hello sweets! How are you? It's been a while, I know. Am I still a life-style blogger? 😨. These days I look at my blog and wonder what exactly I should share with you. I can't seem to make up my mind.

Making Decisions Can Be Hard

One of the hardest decisions I've made was having to quit a job, it was a very scary one. So I know the thrills on how hard making a decision can be.


The First Day At A New Job

Hello. How have you been? It's Monday! I am officially resuming a new job today. Yay!

I hope this excitement lasts for a long long time until I'm done there. Amen. Lol.

The First Things First

I have been anxious about wearing the tag "employed" ever since I got my offer letter. It feels kinda weird.


Prepare Your Heart

I don't get too excited when God gives me a word anymore. In fact, I become anxious. Lol. I have come to know that when God says something is coming, it might take a week, a month or a year to see it come to pass (or to fully understand it). And that period of waiting can be such a long, tough one.

Prepare Your Heart 

2016 taught me a whole lot about waiting for the manifestation of a Word.

I grew in the knowledge of patience, faith and love. I can't even tell you how much pruning and cleaning and re-pruning my heart went through. Ah!


This Picture Perfectly Captures 2017 Prayer

I love pictures. I can stare at a new picture of me for days.

Within few seconds of looking at a picture, they can give you a chuckle or cause you to think. And sometimes even do both.

I came across one that I love. As I look deeply, I see how it is a perfect expression of my prayer for 2017.

Feel free to make it your prayer too.
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