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My Journey Of Waiting On God And Trusting Him All Year

Christmas Story starts with a fine girl called Mary being told, in a special way, that she will give birth to a very special baby who will be named Jesus.

And she's like "How Shall This Be?"

I can relate it to being told, in a weird way, that I will get a job that will be called a dream.

Trusting Through Conception To Delivery 

The conception of prophecy starts with just a word, but the process that leads to its manifestation can be a long, tough one.

I have made a conscious decision over the past year to live and share my authentic self, warts, struggles, failures and all. Maybe that feels gutsy but the payoff is worth it to me.

Here is a rough sketch of my journey of waiting on God for a job all through the year. I hope you get something out of it. 

In January: The Conception

I have an imposed plan to get a job. I am praying about it. I am blogging about it. I am tweeting about it. Almost everyone who is connected with me on social media is aware that I am set to get a job this year.

I believe it with all my heart that I would get a job - a dream job. I am expecting it to come in a few days time. So I write 'Follow Your Passion, Go Get You Your Dream Job'

In February
I am spreading the word to everyone who cares to listen. My CV is written, edited and typed. I am applying to the organisations that can give me the kind of job I want. And I am hoping to be called up for an interview pretty soon.

I am making a thorough research on HOW TO WRITE A CV that can get one a job in Nigeria. I feel so prepared. Nothing can stop me now.

In March
I am not just sitting at home and wishing for a miracle to happen. I am creating stuff. I am doing everything I can to be productive. I am having fun. I am living.

In April
Throwback to the day I left my previous job - It's exactly a year at this time. The last e-application I sent has not been replied. I am assuring myself that I am employable. I am writing 'All Bloggers Are Employable' to let my prospective employer know.

My mum is starting to think I am not serious with my life. She is concerned, but it is getting to me. Maybe I am not serious after all.

In May
On the first day of the month, I lost my phone. Oh, my phone! I am sad and depressed. Since I am not making money, getting a new phone appears impossible. I am crying to God and reminding Him of what He told me in January. "Lord, is this journey not getting too Long?"

I don't understand what is going on. I feel miserable. This is a phase of emptiness. No money. No job. No phone. No boyfriend. All I have is just a dream.

In June
This is my birth month. I am hoping God would give me a job as a birthday gift. I am declaring "this is my set time!" I am ready to receivvvvvvve it. "Yes, Lord"

Days turn to weeks. My birthday has come. I feel so emotional. I am grateful for life but I hate what my life looks like. Nothing is working. I'm stuck. 

My birthday has gone. Reality isn't matching up with the Word I have received. I don't get it.

My flesh argues with my spirit. There is a battle. I am struggling with lust.

In July
Maybe I didn't hear God well. He probably wants me to create a job for myself. Fine. I am going to take AMAKAMEDIA as a job from now on.

I am writing. I am sewing. I am making Ankara accessories. I am voicing. I am hosting. I am simply Amakamedia-ing.

"It Sucks To Be An Entrepreneur!" I am crying. This is so hard . . .

I want to give up. I can no longer go through the cycle of praying, hoping and getting disappointed at the end. It's over. I am done!

In August
I have realized I cannot do this on my own. I need God. "OK. Lord, oya, do whatever you want with my life. There You Have It!"

God is now taking me through a series of training. He is working on me. I am learning so much about my BECOMING. I am recording everything in my private diary.

There is much yet to be unveiled. The more I discover, the deeper I long for more.

In September
My relationship with God is blossoming. I am spending more time with Him. We are sharing secrets and making jokes. We are talking about the most important things about getting a purposeful job. So I share '3 Things To Know Before Quitting Your Job To Chase Your Dreams'

Sometimes it gets too hard to keep believing that I will ever get a job this year. I am getting worried. I am fighting with doubt and discouragement. I am fighting to stay positive.

He knows the battle going on in my mind. He tries to reassure me He's got my back. Again, I believe the One who brings me HERE can take me THERE.

In October
Staying positive and inspired has become the only way to get by. I have to stay trusting.

In November
(In August, God gave me an instruction to stay quiet for 30 Days. I did that for about two weeks and went back again. I started again, after two weeks I went back again. I wanted to obey completely this month. So I confessed publicly.)

I am taking a 30-Day Man Fast. My heart and mind is being renewed. It is a life-changing experience.

In December: The Delivery

I smell a new beginning. I feel something coming. I don't know what it is. But I am making sure not to miss it.

I am praying. I am waiting. I stop blogging.

Then in the twinkle of an eye, I get a job . . . a dream job.

* * * * *


A week is enough for God to do everything you prayed for in a year.

I do not know how to preach the gospel better than this. I just hope it touches you in the way that you need to be touched.

Mary didn't question God's call on her life . . . Instead she calmly trusted that if birthing Jesus was God's plan for her, then it must be the best plan.

Mary trusted through conception to delivery.

We all have a Word spoken to us about our life, our dream, our family, etc. Let's stay trusting. Do not abort yours with unbelief and negative remarks.

God is not a man that He should lie. He will come through.

Obedience. Trust. Faith. All have a part to play along the way. 

Personally, my faith has been strengthened. I have grown with patience of waiting in hope. 

I will love to read this post again because I am already pregnant for 2017 . . . Somebody might be getting married. *winks*

Posted by Nwamaka Ajaegbu 
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