• https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-OY2wnEGn_cE/V80uockjicI/AAAAAAAAZ8o/r_3CotN5E6U-CUieGteAgUvmn7wuNEzrQCLcB/s1600/do%2Bnot%2Bbe%2Bweary%2Bin%2Bwell%2Bdoinf.jpg


DIARY: What It Feels Like To Be Engaged

I know what it felt like to hear about my closest friends getting engaged, it is a great feeling! However, emotionally, there is no dress rehearsals for that feeling when it's your turn. Mehn

The Feeling Of Being Engaged

In few minutes, I'll be swearing an oath before the court of law to stick with this man for the rest of my life. All focus on us now, this is it, together, forever, starting right this second. Oh my gosh. It's happening for realllll.

I'm engaged. As in, I'm about to be married. I mean, I'm getting marrieeeeed.

Hmmm. . .

I am here. Not flying, not falling. I'm in somewhat an awkward suspension, a dangling in space. I'm somewhere between "understanding marriage" and "no longer waiting for a ring."


What Are The 7 Wonders Of Life According To You?

Hi, hi! It's been a minute. Working a 9-5 job as well as planning a wedding (in fact three weddings. A court wedding, a traditional wedding and a church wedding. Phew!) have been taking the biggest chunk of every twenty-four hours I get. Happy I can squeeze out time to write a post here. May we never lose our wonder in the passage of time. Amen.

The Seven Wonders Of Life

You have heard a lot about the seven wonders of the world, and may have even visited few or all of them. But have you ever given a thought about the 7 Wonders Of Your Personal Life?

I mean, have you?

Life in itself is a wonder. Life is full of wonder. But sometimes we get carried away by the busyness of our life and miss out on the things that make life wonderful for what it is. I've continued asking people the same basic question. How do you stay fully present, fully-engaged, fully-alive? I've also asked my private diary like a beggar asking for scraps of wisdom , "how do I not lose myself in all of these?" And the answer is astounding:

"never lose your childlike sense of wonder." (Thanks to Bethel Music. Yo!)

So, what is wonder? According to Merriam-Webster dictionary, wonder is a feeling of amazement and admiration, caused by something beautiful, remarkable, or unfamiliar. Oh, I love this definition. Wonder gives depth to our passion. Wonder reignites our faith. Wonder asks us to live with eyes wide open to God. Wonder invites us out of the shallows and into hallows of the divine.

The wonders about life are relative. Because we all look at the world around us differently, so what strike wondrous to you is unique to you.

I'll share a few wonders about my life (perhaps I should say as at today, they could change, right?) while you share yours in the comment box:

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