• https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-OY2wnEGn_cE/V80uockjicI/AAAAAAAAZ8o/r_3CotN5E6U-CUieGteAgUvmn7wuNEzrQCLcB/s1600/do%2Bnot%2Bbe%2Bweary%2Bin%2Bwell%2Bdoinf.jpg


Can an Ant Swallow a Lion?

Since I found Twitter, I dumped Facebook. I feel I'd be cheating on Twitter when I go to Facebook. (Just kidding, I visit Facebook once in a while) Anyway, that's not the point. This post was inspired by a tweet.

Can an Ant Swallow a Lion

What do you think? Got any reason for your answer?


PHOTO TALK: Look up to God

"Those who look up to God are radiant; their faces are never covered with shame." 
Psalm 34:5

Designed by Nwamaka Ajaegbu 
Twitter: @Amakamedia

What Shall it Profit a Man?

And I sat there thinking about what my next post should be. It's been a week since my last post but it had felt like a year. That's what you get when you're excited about something. You can't seem to get enough of it. I'm excited about blogging! (a friend called it "initial gra-gra". lol)
I had the title of this post yesterday, but didn't get an idea of what the contents would be. What do you think about it? Or I should ask it this way, how does your heart see it?


POEM: Pride

So you go
Feeling so good,
Eyes up,
Shoulders high,
Walking tall,
You are the best there.

And then
Someone comes,
Eyes spin,
Shoulders slouch,
Missing steps,
You feel sick already.


Greatness Ahead, Thread Humbly

I am not sure to think that the one who is proud knows that he is proud. Well, I never thought so until. . .

I received a BC (Broadcast Message) on BBM from a close friend, Cynthia. I read it but did not totally agree with one or two sentences. So I requested that she throws more light on it.


I am not a Worker

Seriously, I don't like to talk about church. But when it gets so heavy on my heart, I can't keep quiet. You know how it goes for me, I give it all out.

Why do we think that the only way one can serve God is by being a worker?

When I was in school, each time I went back home to attend my local church, I worked with the children and teenagers department, I also worked with  the evangelism department but never joined any of the department. I enjoyed serving in every way. It wasn't out of duty, it was out of love. I loved it that way.


Letter to the Future Self

Thanks to the blogosphere. I have found some really good personalities, and one of them is Adenike Adebayo. She is so passionate about making a change. I actually stumbled on her blog and found the letter she wrote to her future self. I was moved. (Read it here). So she inspired me to write a letter to my future self too.  A month after I drafted a rough, I finally decided to finish, edit and publish it. Ten years from now, I would read this letter to myself.

If you could, what would you say to your future self based on your journey so far?

POEM: To Live as a Channel

A channel is a carrier
Connecting to the source
Running never to go dry
All it ever does is to give out
That which it carries.



No matter what had happened or is happening. 
HOLD ON to your dreams.

Designed by Nwamaka Ajaegbu
Twitter: @Amakamedia


The Mental Balance Sheet

Have you ever been in a position where your buttocks are on the chair and your waist in the air? Exactly. The past week has been like that. Oops! I'm sorry if you didn't get that. You'd have to read between the lines.
Two posts ago, I told you about my job. Can you remember? It's right here. Something is happening again *grins*


REVIEW: The Beautiful Butterflies (2)

THE CHRYSALIS: The transformation process

Sometime ago I talked about how much I love the butterflies. If you haven't read it, then you might like to click here. Butterflies are indeed fascinating creatures. God is just awesome!

It was mentioned that the butterfly wasn't always a butterfly, it actually grows into it. It starts with a tiny egg that hatches into a caterpillar, the caterpillar then spends time in a cocoon (also known as the chrysalis). It is after spending time in the chrysalis that it changes into a beautiful butterfly. So it got me thinking, there must be something about The Chrysalis!


PODCAST: August is Here!

AUGUST- The month of new beginnings.
Happy New Month!
Posted by Nwamaka Ajaegbu
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