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We Are All Sick

God has a great sense of humour, you know? He is a great Comedian, a fantastic Businessman, an amazing Doctor and so much more!

Today, He's relating with me as a Doctor.

Healing Grace

(This is somewhat an extension of last week's post - Grace Multiplied. "Grace" has been illuminating my heart for a while now.)

I have come to understand the importance going for medical checkup regularly. One can be very sick and not even know!

Do you go for checkups . . . regularly?

Erm . . . me neither.

Let's repent.

When you go to see a doctor just for checkup, you are almost sure nothing is wrong with you. Naturally, you believe you're in good health. But after the doctor had felt your pulse, measured your temperature and carefully examined you, he says you're sick.

And you be like: But Doctor, how come?

Lol . That is close to how God works as a Doctor. Lemme share this joke about my allergic reaction to sandflies. Oops! It would be too risky to make it public yet.

*Bites lip* You do agree with me that doctors indirectly pray for people to get sick so that they can visit the hospital. Right? Aha! (that's a bit of the joke. Lol)

"He spoke the word that healed you, that pulled you back from the brink of death." ~ Psalm 107:20 (MSG)

God enjoys healing. It gives Him pleasure. He likes to demonstrate His healing power upon us. And so He deals with us, His sweethearts as patients. He does it in two ways:
  • First, He causes us to know we are sick. 
  • Second, He draws us to ask for healing.

God sends His law so that we might know that we are sinners (sick). Then He sends Jesus (the Word) so that we might be healed.

Salvation brings healing. Titus 2:11 say, "For the grace of God has displayed itself with healing power to all mankind", Jesus' blood was shed for the salvation of our spirits, His body was broken for the healing of our bodies. He died for our salvation, but He suffered for our healing.


Most of us fall into the trap of thinking we needed God's grace only when we were struggling with sin or going through a challenge. The truth is we will keep needing grace upon grace, grace after grace, and then more grace on the one we've already received.

That you were healed yesterday doesn't mean you will be healed forever. It doesn't happen overnight. It takes time.

Me, I know I need grace and more grace!


Here goes my personal medical history (for blogging sake) :

I've had issues with patience, then I received the healing grace to be still.
Shortly after I thought I was fine, I had the symptoms again, then I was given more grace to be still. And another grace to enjoy the journey.
So far, I've been fine. I know that God has got everything sorted out - family, finance, ministry, etc. But I will not be surprised if I become impatient with God again. You know why? Because life is a journey of grace. We go and grow from grace to grace.

I've had issues with pride, then I was received the grace to serve with humility.
Now the symptoms of pride has popped up again, and I'm so glad God, my Heart Doctor has warned. I'm now going through healing. 

We are all sick people.

We all have problems. We all have hurts. We all have hidden wounds.

I dunno what your symptoms are - maybe loneliness, fear, anger, jealousy, malice, lust, pride, impatience,  etc. You sure do need healing.

Ask God for His healing grace. He'd be happy to give you that! 

The best healing is the one that is done in the heart. #HeartCheck

The healing rain is falling down. Can you see it? Watch it, catch it, and saturate yourself in it!

Happy New Week!
Have a blast!

Written by Nwamaka Ajaegbu 
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