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Incredible Discovery From The Bible (Divine Business Tips)

I'm super excited! I like how God is relating with me as a businessman now. Whether the devil likes it to not, my business is a successful one already. I must hammer!

Biblical Concept Of Advertising

Hmmm . . . I love wisdom. It's sweet! If you take this discovery seriously, you'll be well on your way to becoming your own boss.

In my head, I've written almost 8 great books, but in reality, I've written none. I could write a book on this topic. Really.

However, I wouldn't want to let all the cats out of the bag yet. I am going somewhere, and I'm glad you've been on this journey with me so far.

I will write out a few points just the same way I wrote them in my 'private diary' when the revelation poured.

The Concept Of Joseph's Advert 
(Genesis 37:5-10)

Joseph told his father as well as his brothers about his beautiful dreams. He spoke about his glorious future.

You can advertise a product you are planning to produce. Although production might not have started, you can talk about it. Feel free to inform the audience about your product. Be bold and confident about yourself. Talk about it like you already have the product in your hands. Meanwhile see my dreams here. (I've got bigger ones now sha).

The Concept of Joseph's Advert creates anticipation and boost expectations. It builds suspense around your brand.

The Concept Of David's Advert 
(1 Samuel 33-37)

David told the king about how he killed a lion. David made the king understand he tore the lion apart with his bare hands as he might have torn a young goat.

You can advertise a product that was successful. Tell your audience what you have done before. Blow your trumpet. Show them what you are capable of. Meanwhile, see my products here and here

The Concept of David's Advert builds trust and reliability. It helps you maintain the quality and image of your brand. 

The Concept Of Samson's Advert
(Judges 14:8-9)

Samson told nobody that he tore a lion apart. He hid his product and past achievement.

I laughed when I read the part where Samson gave his parents the honey he found in the dead body of the lion he killed. Who does that? Lol.

It is one thing to have a product and not advertise it. It is another thing to not know that you have a product that should be advertised. Both cases are going to be terrible for your brand.

The Concept of Samson's Advert makes no investment in publicity hype.

Read: Concept Of New Things

Which Concept Should You Adopt?

Well, you are in a better position to choose for yourself.

I personally like the concept of Joseph's advert because it has an element of surprises. It's like keeping your clients or customers in suspense - which indirectly keeps them glued to you and coming back for more.

Remember Joseph succeeded. His dreams came true at the end. His product met the expectation of the audience and gave them satisfaction.

Remember David succeeded. He was given a bigger contract to kill a giant. He did. And many more contracts followed.

Remember Samson failed.

Get the Word Out There

Be willing to say who you are and what you do with conviction and without apology. Be willing to talk about that business with pride. You know the God you serve. Don't you? He'll open doors for you. 

Don't underestimate the power of any method to get the word out. Use Social Media. Try word-of-mouth marketing, website and internet marketing tools, public relations, blog posts, columns and articles, speeches, e-mail, newsletters, and every available platform.

Keep talking about it. Don't stop.  

Sweetheart, you are not alone. When you still feel stuck, reach out and connect with me (as an entrepreneur). You know "two heads are better than one". 

There is so much from where this comes from! You may be surprised by the invaluable business information that are right at your fingertips. . . if only you search deeply.

** * * * *
P.S. You can advertise on amakamedia.com. AMAKAMEDIA is offering 10% discount off her advert rates till the end of June. There is no way you will advertise on my blog and not be blessed. This is a fertile soil. Sow into it now. :)
* * * * * 

Related Post: Do Business

May we be fruitful. May our businesses be so blessed - that we make plenty money - for others to be blessed through us in Jesus' name. Amen.

Happy New Week!
Stay positive. Stay inspired.

Written by Nwamaka Ajaegbu 
Follow me on Twitter: @Amakamedia
Follow me on Instagram: @amakamedia
Email: amakamedia@yahoo.com
Bloglovin: Amakamedia

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