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DIARY: I'm Weird Like That. It's A Gift

If you’re on the journey of self-discovery, finding your purpose, following your passionenjoying your life, or living your dreams, people are going to think you’re weird.

Trust me, it’s a step in the right direction. 

Weirdness Is A Gift

I was pretending to be weird. And before I knew it, I became a weirdo.

Being weird is to stand out from the crowd, to separate yourself from the world. 

To be your true self, you have to be weird. It’s your gift. If someone doesn’t think you are weird, you will not be truly loved. If someone doesn’t think you’re strange, you will not be admired.

Weirdness is a gift. Strangeness is the greatest asset ever. 

Don't laugh. Here is a list of what makes me weird:
  1. I don't know how to wear makeup on my face. I'd have to ask someone to do it for me (when I have to wear some).
  2. When I hear good gospel music, my feet just start moving, regardless of where I am and who’s watching
  3. I hate cockroaches. I'm yet figure out why God created them. 
  4. I don’t like purposeless parties and have pointless conversations about things I don’t care about, just because ‘everyone else is doing it’.
  5. If I’m going to talk to a stranger, it’s because there’s something I want to know or something I want to know about them. If there’s nothing I wanted to know, I would rather sit in silence.
  6. I love being behind a microphone. And of course, speaking.
  7. I can smell negativity from afar. I don't hang out with just anyone. ( Some think I'm a snub) 
  8. I don’t like to follow social trends. Social trends are often the most boring things possible.
  9. I don't want to get a job just to fit in. It has to be something I love to do.
  10. I think following fashion trends is unhealthy I'd rather create mine.
  11. I play with colours. From the weirdo concept of Sunday's post. Feel me? ;) 
  12. I don’t care how ‘cool’ something is, if I think it's not right and I don't like it, I’m so not doing it
  13. I like to write long lists
  14. The number of inspirational books in my library is 25 times more than the number of shoes in my wardrobe 
  15. I enjoy reading more than I enjoy eating
  16. I love to take pictures everywhere, anywhere. I don't care who is looking. 
  17. I cry every time they "kill" someone in a movie
  18. I scream a lot when I'm excited
  19. I speak really loudly and lean forward when I’m talking about something that I care about
  20. I believe doing what’s right is more important than doing the right thing. 
  21. I get bored with routines. 
  22. I make noise when I eat. Lots of “Hmmm . . . Ahh . . . oh my ” when the food deserves it (especially if I was the cook) 
  23. I think banana is sweeter than plantain
  24. I think Twitter is best, Instagram is better and Facebook is good. 
  25. I keep diaries. I have many diaries. 

Lemme stop here. 

Your turn. What makes you weird? What makes you stand out from others?

I can't wait to read your list. :) 

P.S Happy New Month! March has been declared our month of "FRUITFULNESS". (Psalm 1:3.) All our physical and spiritual investments shall result into super harvest. Get ready! We'll be marching into a greater level of His grace and glory. Amen.

Written by Nwamaka Ajaegbu 
Follow me on Twitter - @Amakamedia
Follow me on Instagram - @amakamedia
Email -  amakamedia@yahoo.com
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