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Dear Diary, Blogging Changes Me

"Why do you blog?" Sometimes I wonder why I’m bothering too. I mean, what’s the point?

Blogging Changes Me

Through the course of my life, I’ve embraced a number of different hobbies: reading, singing, voicing, hosting, modelling, sewing, just to name a few. But none of them have changed my life or brought me as much fulfilment as blogging.

In too many ways to count, blogging has changed me and the way I LIVE life.

In fact, it has become a hobby I regularly recommend to others. Blogging serves as a personal tool to keep records of my journey but somewhere along the line, it became less about me writing the story and more about the story changing me.
Although there are many articles written about why you should start a blog to grow your business or become an expert or make a loads of money—the best reviews are still found in the personal realization that blogging changes you, the blogger.

Blogging makes me a deep thinker.

Bogging is an art of writing. Because the process of writing includes recording thoughts on a blank sheet, the blogging process encourages me to pause, stop and think deeper.

Blogging helps you delve deeper into the fabrics of your life and the threads that shape them.

Through blogging, I’ve learned to be more open and vulnerable, I’ve grown and healed through the experience of recycling my pain for something useful, and I’ve shifted my focus to others, enabling them to do the same.

Sometimes I wish everyone can have a blog the same way everyone has a Facebook account. It is a beautiful thing. It doesn't only help you as a writer, it helps your readers too. Your story can be an inspiration to someone.

Blogging serves as a personal diary. 

Blogging teaches me to be observant to the personal growth that I am experiencing. It trains my mind to track the changes in my life and understand the changes I am experiencing.

I am using this entry to appreciate how blessed I am to have a blog. It's been an amazing ride. Really. 

You don’t have to blog as a means to get rich or as a means to gather a huge following. You don’t even need to blog as a means to change the internet . . . the change that a blog brings into your life is enough.

Related: What Successful Blogging Means

I'm back with some changes. I hope they sit well with you.

Thanks for being a part of this change.

Often times, your responses in the comment box challenge me to take a new, fresh look at my views on the topic set before us. You are simply the best readers a blogger could wish for. Thank you.

“Incline my heart to your testimonies, and not to selfish gain.” 
~ Psalm 119:36

Written by Nwamaka Ajaegbu 
Let's connect on Twitter: @Amakamedia
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And follow on Bloglovin: Amakamedia

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