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Don't Forget The Word After A Successful Outcome

The end of a thing is more important than the beginning. Joshua 8 ended beautifully and inspiringly. Still on the PYH Series . . .

Remember The Word Even After Success

Joshua (in chapter 1) had been commanded from the start to meditate on God's word. In Joshua 8, his army had defeated the city of Ai, just as God had predicted. Then came the decision point. Would Joshua celebrate this victory or give glory to God? Here's what we are told,
Afterward, Joshua read all the words of the law-the blessings and the curses--just as it is written in the Book of the Law. There was not a word of all that Moses had commanded that Joshua did not read to the whole assembly of Israel, including the women and children, and the aliens who lived among them. - Joshua 8:34-35
I like how Joshua demonstrated an appropriate act of worship, and consecration unto God after that great victory towards the end of the chapter. Very inspiring. He did not leave one word of the law go unheeded. What a diligent man!

Before those verses, the people of Israel had killed 12,000 men and women and hang the king of Ai outside the city ruins as a warning to not mess with God's best. What a world-class victory!

Yet the victory didn't get into Joshua's head.

He built an altar. He gave glory to God.

Today's message is a simple one: The key used to win that battle is the same key used to sustain the victory: ABIDE IN HIS WORD.

P. S This is a wake up call for me. I really haven't been studying the word and being a good doer of the word as much as I want to. Crying to God for help because I can't help myself right now.

Have a great week!
Stay inspired.

Posted by Nwamaka Ajaegbu 
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