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Don't Quit Your 9-5 Job Until You Feel It In Your Gut

Happy New Week! Having the same opening paragraph over and over might seem boring to you. Permit to use to say it one more time. Thank you. 

Hi. My name is Amaka. I will be 30 on the 26th day of the coolest month of the year. You didn't know June is the coolest month? I have been sharing my lessons from being a 20-something right at the start of June.

This post is the eleventh. I hope it inspires you in some way. Happy reading!

Overcome Your Fear Of Change

Overcome fear

I’ll let you in on a little secret.

In my 20s, I quit my job twice.

It was a scary thing for me to do at both times.

The first time I quit my job (which lasted for two years), I was not financially prepared. The only thing that kept me going was the fact that I still lived with my parents at the time, which artificially deflated my cost of living (while simultaneously increasing theirs).

It wasn't an easy time but I wouldn't trade the experience for anything.

Being unemployed for over a year taught me a lot about myself. I reflected a lot on what I want in life and in my career, and I learnt a lot about my job search strategy, skills, and confidence in the process.

I used to think that there was a big difference between successful people and the likes of me. That somehow they were born with superpowers that enable them to surge through life with confidence and swagger.

I have realized that you become successful when you conquer fear.

Fear doesn’t discriminate. It engulfs us all. Whether you are rich or poor, black or white, tall or short, etc. You will experience fear. In reality, successful people experience more fear than anyone else because they are putting their eggs in the basket every single day.

If you’re feeling scared then it’s a good sign. You are pushing yourself further; stretching your comfort zone and experiencing something new and exciting.

In my 20s, I learned to accept and embrace fear because it’s the friend of exceptional people.


In your 20s, be ready to embrace uncertainty and FULLY live. Don't be afraid to quit any job that's sucking life out of you. Don't be afraid to end any relationship that keeps you away from your dreams. 

The world is waiting for us to tell our stories and live our dreams. We can't keep living a previous version of who we are, shrinking our dreams, our quality of life and impact to fit a tiny small-self mold.

Go with your guts!

Don't Quit Your Job Until You Feel It In Your Guts by Amakamedia
Me @ 26

The heart of the matter is: Never be afraid of change. It is the only thing constant in life. To fully embrace change, you must replace fear of the unknown with curiosity. Be eager to see what's on the other side of fear.

Having this in mind, I can say: Thirties, I’m ready for ya! I’m ready for whatever you bring — with curiosity, optimism, gratitude, clarity, and a stronger belief in the Power inside of me. I am R-E-A-D-Y.

Thanks for reading.
See you tomorrow.

* * * *

This is a piece of #20Pieces20 just before I turn 30. It's 11 days to go. Yay! 💃

Please share these posts with everyone you love. Thank you so much.

Stay inspired.
Stay positive.
Stay safe.

Written by Nwamaka Onyekachi
Let's connect on Twitter: @Amakamedia
Let's connect on Instagram: @amakamedia
And Bloglovin: Amakamedia

Heart Rays . . . giving light.

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