• https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-OY2wnEGn_cE/V80uockjicI/AAAAAAAAZ8o/r_3CotN5E6U-CUieGteAgUvmn7wuNEzrQCLcB/s1600/do%2Bnot%2Bbe%2Bweary%2Bin%2Bwell%2Bdoinf.jpg


Self Interview: Interrogative Questions To Ask Yourself At 25

This is a reply to those questions I asked myself five years ago. They are questions that you are expected to be answering just before you turn thirty. It's time for me.

I'll be 30 in less than 24 hours. Whaaaaaat!!!

Q and A Before 30

Q and ABefore 30

Q1: What are you doing? Why are you doing it?

A: Like right now? I am writing. Lol.

I am writing because. . .Wait. Honestly, I thought a lot about why I'm writing. I was wondering whether I should write for my self only (and not share it) but it didn't feel right to me. So I am writing to FULLY live.

Q2: What do you really want out of life?

A: Wow. Many things. Lol.

One thing I want out of life is purpose; to LIVE IN GOD'S PURPOSE for my life. And, like my late mentor, Myles Munroe said, "To die empty". I really just want to fully live before dying.

I've got so much living to do.

Q3: If you die tomorrow, would you regret not doing something?

A: Maybe. I don't really know.

Q4: Are you really happy with the way your life is?

A: Absolutely. I wouldn't have it any other way.

Q5: What gives you peace? Are you doing enough to get that peace?

A: God, the Father. The Son. And The Holy Spirit. Where I find peace.

The love of the Father, the Grace of the Son and my communion with the Holy Spirit. 

Q6: How have you grown over the years? Are you happy with it?

A: Girl, I'm a woman now. You won't even believe it. I am super duper happy to be 29.75189. . . years old right about now. Whoop! 

Q7: Are you living a reactive or creative life? What does your heart feel?

A: Creative life? Sure, yes! I am a Creative LifeStyle Blogger. I am creating content every day. In fact, my heart is content. Content is every form of the word.

I am/feel C-O-N-T-E-N-T. 

Q8: Do you think positive or negative? Are you doing anything towards negativity?

A: Well, sometimes negativity creeps up on me but I am doing my best to stay positive. Especially during tough times, I would whisper to myself, "Amaka, stay positive. Amaka stay positive. Amaka stay positive."

Positivity, inspiration and love. These three words I wear as my breastplate every day. God is helping me.

Q9: Do you accept and love yourself? Are you at peace with yourself?

A: Yes. Over the years, I have learned to accept and love myself. Am I peace with myself? Hmm.  . . Yeah. You've asked me that earlier. 

Q10: Are you afraid of something? What steps are you taking to remove that fear?

A: Yep. Aren't we all afraid of something? Of course I am. Fear and insecurity still exists where I have yet to prove myself to myself.

I try to use my fear as a motivation. Slowly but surely, it would happen. I believe in miracles. I believe in God.

Q11: What kind of choices have you made in life? How have they inspired others?

A: I have made bad choices and good choices. All that I am is because of the choices I made. I am grateful for them.

I inspire people by letting them know that they, too, can choose to be an inspiration.

Lessons from my 20s
Me at 25.

I'm soooooooo grateful to God for LIFE. Ah. There was something I said on the post where these questions were initially asked:

The most important thing is to live the life you should be living today so that when that day comes, you will say without regrets; "It's my 30th birthday!" 

This is where I am now.

* * * *

This is the final piece on #20Lessons20 blog series. This has been so much fun. I enjoyed every minute of it.

See you in my 30s.

I promise to be a beautiful, gorgeous, inspiring, kind, and happy 30-year-old. Thank You Jesus! Thank You for keeping and loving me! I'm ready!💃

Join the party on YouTube.

Now your turn
How about answering some of these questions too? What do you want out of life? Are you living life?

Stay inspired.
Stay positive.
Stay safe.

Written by Nwamaka Onyekachi
Let's connect on Twitter: @Amakamedia
Let's connect on Instagram: @amakamedia
And Bloglovin: Amakamedia

Heart Rays . . . giving light.

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