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CAREER: Why I Quit My Job Again

The first time I quit my job I was single, living with my parents and had no plan whatsoever. Do I regret it? Absolutely not! It was one of the most amazing (overwhelming, frustrating, exciting, scary) years of my life.

Then I found a new job. Got married, started building a home and quit my job again. What's up with me?

The Benefit Of Quitting Your Job

It's the last quarter of the year. While some are getting into new jobs and promotions, others are looking forward to finding better ones before the year ends.

And here, someone is talking about quitting her job?! Whaaat?! Who does that?!

In case we have never met, and you are wondering who this woman is and how she has the guts to go about getting a job and quitting, and not only that, but also having the guts to tell you there are benefits of quitting your job. Calm down, please.

Let me tell you something first:

  1. I believe it is possible that —you don’t hate your job but you’re still figuring out what exactly you want to do. You want to shape things forward, so you are checking out what you are great at, passionate about and what gives you that warm feeling of pleasure. I believe that, for some of us, the struggle to choose a career path may never end.
  2. I believe in appreciating the — opportunity that you have been given to use your skills and serve a useful purpose. You need to stay a little longer in your current job because it is not about the salary. It is about passion (dream) and fulfilling purpose.
  3. I believe in following your — heart when it comes to quitting/starting a job. There are myriad reasons for making the most complex decisions in our lives, and it doesn’t always need to boil down to something that seems “logical” on the surface. Sometimes the best decisions are the most illogical.
  4. I have never accepted a job offer that — I do not see me learning or growing at. I loved my job! Every single one of them (check LinkedIn). Throughout my career path, I have served in positions that were best suited for me and worked with firms that needed me (yes, no one else could fit my role) until. . . there is nothing else left to set my heart on fire.

OK. Now that you know these things I can go ahead to tell you about me quitting my job (again) this time.

The last 9-5 job I had was the role of a copywriter — one who craft words for everything from social media content to radio/TV advertisement to press releases to well-researched articles. And guess what?! I was the ONLY copywriter in the media agency. Why employ someone else when you have about four people in one person? Yeah, right! I brag. I brag on God's grace upon me! Haha! It didn't feel like a job because I have always enjoyed writing. But oh, it stretched me.

I actually waited for an entire year before I eventually got the job. I mean, I sent application letters, attended interviews and went for auditions from January to December (read about my journey of waiting here). I was desperate at the time yet it turned out to be everything I wanted in a job. It fit my interests, my strengths and my personality. It was totally a dream job. And I even got to do a lot of other things I liked.

But, why did I quit?

I quit my job the second time because I need to find myself. I am constantly evolving 🦋. And I am looking to find a different place where this NEW me would fit into.

The previous me has expired. It's not me anymore.

It is a generally accepted fact that before you quit a job, you should have another one. Quitting your job without a plan than to ‘find yourself’ is perceived as an incredibly foolish thing to do and a lot of people might not understand. In fact, my parents didn't understand me the first time. It was a battle. Phew.

It is quite embarrassing being unemployed, especially in this part of the world. People will not understand you when they don’t know what you do for a living. We are unfortunately defined by our jobs, we can’t help ourselves asking, “so, what do you do?”. Attending events and being asked what you do is an awkward experience when you have no real job. You are certainly going to get the blank looks, smirks and confused facial expressions. Been there, done that.

It is risky. Yes. However, you cannot move backward to go forward. Wherever you are, you need to be there because you see a future, not a chance of changing or re-living the past.

You have to be OK with evolving.

You have to be OK with transitioning.

Change is painful, but that's the only way to grow. To Become.

Every season has an alignment. And if it takes quitting your job, ending a relationship, moving out, etc, so be it!

Read Also: How To Stay Hopeful While Searching For A Job

Even though I can’t advise you on if/when you should quit your job, I can certainly tell you about my own lofty adventures. You may find it helpful, or be inspired by the fact that someone can do so many dumb things and still be fulfilling her purpose. Or maybe you’ll just be entertained by my mistakes.

This is me looking ahead at my life, not knowing what is going to happen in the upcoming months or years. As scary as that is, it’s also exhilarating. And I can't wait to see the possibilities and opportunities that await me. Whoop!

Read Also: 3 Things You Should Know Before You Quit Your Job

And finally,

The career world isn’t going anywhere. You deserve the chance to step out into the air and celebrate how far you have come. You deserve the chance to look into the mirror and notice that you are no longer the same person who started the job. Think about what kind of life you want and go after it.

The next chapter will be here quicker than you can imagine. Amen!

Have you ever quit a job — and either thrived as a result of it, or later regretted it?

PS. Thankful that my husband understands this me. Love you so so much, baby! 💛

Written by Nwamaka Onyekachi 
Let's connect on Twitter: @Amakamedia
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Heart Rays . . . giving light

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