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What 2 Years of Blogging Has Taught Me

June 26 isn't just my birthday but also my Blogiversary. By tomorrow, it will be officially stated that I've been blogging for 2 years. Cheers to the day I first told the world I have a blog!

At that moment, I remember feeling excited and nervous in equal measure. What will people think of my writing? Is it good enough? The feeling of exposing yourself on such a personal level to the whole world is strange to get used to at first.

Now 2 years down the line and I couldn’t imagine life without my blog. It’s such an intrinsic part of my lifestyle, brand and career and it has enriched my life in ways I never dreamed of.

I don’t make money from this blog (yet) , I haven’t secured a job through it, in honesty the potential external rewards of a blog haven’t really shown up for me. Yet the year has been extremely rewarding.

As I celebrate my 2 year milestone I’ve been reflecting on what running this little old blog has taught me. Here are 7 key things that I’ve learnt;

That it's a journey of self discovery.
Blogs are the ultimate outlet for the self-obsessed. And, I believe that it’s true.

Blogging forces you to think a lot, about how you feel about things. About how a certain moment in your day affected you. It causes you to look at all of your life as potential material for your blog. Maybe that’s why most of my friends and family live in fear of winding up as a featured content here. Lol.

The more you blog, the deeper the knowledge you have of yourself. It's a beautiful thing.

That networking is important.
As a blogger, I spend most of my time in front of a screen, but I cannot stress how important face-to-face networking is.

As a blogger, it’s really important to go to events and set up meetings to make new relationships, as well as nurture existing relationships. You’ve got to be a people person.

My network is wider and richer.

That you need to ‘Switch Off’ to stay inspired.

Although I'm a lifestyle Blogger, I have to keep some things private (oh, my diary) I don’t have to feel compelled to take photos of every dress and document every single thing I do.

I still go for a cosy lunch date with some friends and block the whole world out for a couple of hours.

It’s so important to take time to switch off, step away from social media and put down your phone. This is how you can keep on blogging without burning out.

Related Posts on Blogging:

It's OK to take a break. Your mind can gets mentally tired from a long day/not-so-good day and sometimes the creative juices just won’t flow. (I sometimes forced myself to stay up and end up writing a half decent blog post with 15 typos. Lol.)

That supporting other bloggers bring joy.
In the past 2 years, I have met so many bloggers that have inspired me, all in different ways.

Blogging can be a very solitary thing and you can often feel like you’re doing it all alone. But the blogosphere is so inspiring and supportive and it’s so nice to talk to people with likeminded interests and passion.

There is no point seeing fellow bloggers as your competition. I have made friends for life from blogging and these people are a lifeline to me and inspire me every day. I’m talking about Ugo, Vicky, Gabby and Frances especially.

I mean I got a pair of shoes from a fellow blogger! Blogging is as real as life itself. See the shoes here, here and there

That it’s quite possibly the best thing I’ve ever done.
Not only has this blog enhanced my career (yeah, brand wise), it has enriched my life and broadened my mind in ways I never thought possible.

The experiences that Heart Rays brings remind me that the world is such an incredibly beautiful place and it only makes me want to discover more. I have become more grateful for everything I have, with real emotions and snap-shot moments etched in my brain forever. I get to see the world through the eyes of so many interesting people and my life wouldn’t be the same without it.

That it is a work-in-progress. 
Your blog will never be perfect. But it can get better everyday. I'm currently working on upgrading the look of my blog.

Finally, That our stories matter.
Blogging is very personal. It brings stories out of you that maybe you never thought you would share with anyone, much less with the big world out there.

But, the more I have blogged, the more I have realized that my stories actually do matter. And, so do yours.

Story-telling is the oldest form of human connection. When I hear your stories and you hear mine, we realize that as humans we all have struggles, we all have flaws. And, on some days, if we’re really listening, our stories can point one another to Christ.

So, don’t stop telling your stories. Whether you have a blog or you just tell stories from your own childhood to your little girl at bedtime, don’t make the mistake of thinking that your own adventures in life don’t have meaning.

I’ve been downright shocked by how God can use my mediocre story-telling skills for His glory. I’ve watched him take my stories and work in hearts and minds, and I couldn’t be more grateful for the opportunities that blogging has given me to make His name great in my little corner of the internet, and even all over the world.

I’m glad that I acted on that little notion to start a blog two years ago. God’s plan is always just so interesting. I encourage you to act on some little notion that you’ve been toying with. Create something. Reach out to someone. And, see how God can use your stories.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

If you’ve made it through this post, THANK YOU! Thank you for inspiring me to write when my eyes just want to close, for making me laugh with comments, for becoming my online and in real life friends and for helping me to grow as a person.  I appreciate each and every one of you!

Happy Blogiversary to us!!!

Are you a blogger, can you relate to some of these points? What has blogging taught you?

Posted by Nwamaka Ajaegbu
Follow me on Twitter: @Amakamedia
Follow me on Instagram: @amakamedia
Bloglovin: Amakamedia

Heart Rays . . . giving out  the light.
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