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6 Things You Should Stop Doing If You Want To Enjoy A Creative LifeStyle

Borrowing from last week's post, let's talk about life - how to live creatively. (Still on my birthday mood and reflecting on my life. Lol).

6 Things You Should Stop Doing

Over the past twenty-something years of my life, I have grown in wisdom to know that there is more to life than clothes, shoes, cars, houses, and all those things people kill themselves to get nowadays.

At this point of my life, I desire to live a creative life filled with positivity, inspiration and love. For me, a "creative life" is more about living your dreams with so much passion, so much laughter and so much love, which of course brings happiness and fulfillment. 

Even though my definition of a creative life can change over time, the steps you take to attain that “creative life” doesn’t really change.

To enjoy a creative lifestyle, these are 6 things you should stop doing . . . 

1. Stop brooding over your past, what you haven’t achieved and what you have lost

The past is over and what is more important is where I am now and where I want to be in the future. All my past experiences, mistakes and failures have prepared me for living life in the present and in the future. 

To you: Acknowledge your past and what you have learnt, then let the past go and move forward to the future.

(Read 'Forget The Past and Face the Present')

2. Stop running from problems or anything that challenges you

This is so easy to do. I use to be the Diva of Running away and looking for the easiest way out of a problem. However, I learnt over the years that the problem will come after me and will be waiting for me at the finish line. Running away from a problem or choosing the easy option does not give me a sense of achievement or make me feel creative.

To You: Life is not perfect and it is full of challenges, hard times and bad times. The challenges and problems we have in our lives have to be dealt with, and sometimes we have to be courageous and make difficult decisions.

(Read about The Scary Choice I Made

3. Stop being selfish (but don't be foolish)

I used to be VERY stingy ehn! One unstoppable attitude I needed to develop is my willingness to help people who don’t have the means to pay me back. I've developed a selfless heart so long that I am pained at the things I do now. I literally trade my gifts without a profitable return. That's foolishness, if you ask me!

To you: Give all you can when you can. But don't be foolish to give what you don't have. (I wish I can elaborate on that better) However, there is blessing in giving than receiving! Share freely! Cultivate the habit of thinking about others; you will be blessed for it.

(Listen to 'Voice Of Truth') 

4. Stop devaluing yourself

It took me a while to build my self-esteem. I was always afraid to talk or share what I think. I knew I was am beautiful, intelligent and creative, but I wasn't bold and confident. I struggled with low self-esteem and inferiority complex. I'm glad to tell you that the low self-esteemed girl has disappeared, this one is terrifyingly bold! 

To You: Never devalue the great potentials you carry! Among the unseen things you wear, the most wretched and unattractive of them is your low self-esteem. Creative and intelligent people are brave; they act with confidence. They are unstoppable. Perhaps you have been at place where your abilities were discredited several times such that you feel useless and unproductive and "not good enough", sweetheart never devalue yourself. Never.

(Read How I Fake Confidence

5. Stop being fearful about the future, about making mistakes, about following your dream, about change

I am an apologetic dreamer. I am not afraid to dream, and even dream out loud. I have fought my fears (and still fighting them). Each time I confront my fears, I feel liberated and free! This freedom gives me the ability to dream. 

To you: Fear is paralyzing and it will stop you from making any changes in your life. Your limiting self beliefs will control your thoughts and actions and will fuel your fear. You must deal with these limiting beliefs and know why exactly you are so fearful. Ask yourself "What am I afraid of?"

(Read 'Why People Resist Change') 

6. Stop waiting for perfection

I must admit that I am a perfectionist. I always want to do things when it is "perfect". Now I wish I started blogging long before I eventually did. I wish I had done so many things earlier that I did them. I was always waiting for the "perfect time".  I have discovered that there is no perfect time to get anything done. I just have to do it. 

To you: Creative and authentic people do not wait for things to be perfect before they begin. That’s what Ecclesiastic 11:4 talks about: “he that observed the wind shall not sow…” Be willing to start with the little you have and wherever you are. The end will be glorious if you dare to increase the speed of your excellence from time to time!

(Read 'The Spirit Of Excellence') 

As I talk to you, I talk to myself. I am not there yet . . . but I am not where I used to be. 

What have you stopped doing lately? What would you stop doing as we step into the second half of the year? 

What are you going to press STOP against?

Written by Nwamaka Ajaegbu 
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