• https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-OY2wnEGn_cE/V80uockjicI/AAAAAAAAZ8o/r_3CotN5E6U-CUieGteAgUvmn7wuNEzrQCLcB/s1600/do%2Bnot%2Bbe%2Bweary%2Bin%2Bwell%2Bdoinf.jpg


STYLE: One Interesting Fact About "Khaki"

I asked them what the colour of what they were wearing is called and I got variety of answers. Funnily enough, they were wearing the same colour!

"Khaki" Love

As I started out on this post, I was confused as to what colour to use. Brown would have been preferable, but it just didn't gel.

I though about "carton", but it didn't sound cool enough.

Then again, Dare and Bola suggested "khaki". Khaki came to mind as the most suitable.

According to Webster Dictionary, khaki is a yellowish-brown colour.

Hmm . . . Khaki is a colour? Really? I did a little more research and found ONE interesting fact you might not know about Khaki. 

I will tell you what I discovered after I have featured the main course meal for today's SundayStyle - Our Khaki Love.  :)

The way Peplum Love post happened is the same way Khaki Love post is happening. I had planned to showcase my Ankara bangle for today's #SundayStyle. But when I saw one (Dare), two (Nnamdi), three (Bola) and more people wearing the same colour of skirt as me, I keyed into it as a spontenous human. "Lemme make a post about this!"

Next to black is khaki.

Khaki is neutral. It pretty much goes with every colour. They are easy to wear, comfortable and versatile. I like that it goes well for the guys and the ladies all together.

It's hard to go wrong on khaki. Your shirt/blouse is what matters on the type of look and style you want and for what purpose you are dressing up. Wearing blues, dull and dark might be the best option while white and black will add that classy effect.

You can add a little edgy look with the prints in floral, polka, quirky for a fashionable casual look. (Check. I'd try it before).

Whichever way you choose to rock your khaki skirts/trousers will be cool. All you have to do is to let the light shine through your styles.

What comes to your mind when you hear "khaki"? Is Khaki more of a style or a colour? 

Here is the interesting fact: 

Did you know the word 'khaki' comes from a Hindi word which means ‘dusty’ or ‘dust' ?

Aha! Now you know. :)

Posted by Nwamaka Ajaegbu 
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