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How To Save A Dying Relationship

Hiya! It's Love-Wednesday! I am specially excited about today's post because I know someone who needs it. The person is reading now.  :)

Save A Dying Relationship

These days, it's so easy to dispose of a relationship (and even marriage, sadly). Let's remember it takes two to end a relationship. Let's stop blaming the other person. Let's reduce the number of heartbreaks, please. :(

Some breakups get me wondering: what’s the point of getting into a relationship if you’d break up as soon as things get a little hot to handle?!

We need to learn to calm down and work things out.

If a relationship is meant to die, there is nothing you do can do to save it. However, you will not know if it could be saved unless you try. Don't give up too soon. You can still save a dying relationship.

The only question is, how much are you willing to reignite the flame? Do you really want it?

I'm not a love and relationship expert, but I am passionate about matters of the heart. I know four things you can do to rekindle a relationship you think you are at the verge of losing:


Talk it out. Talk to each other as much as possible, it is the most sensible thing to do when you can't place what's wrong in your relationship. This will help sort out a lot of issues. Talking helps you let out a lot of frustration and ill-feeling that you have stored within. When you communicate, you would definitely know what the problem is and how to tackle it. 

Read More: How To Make It Work.


If you think talking it out is very important to mend your ties, then listening is equally important. Before putting across your point to bae, make sure you carefully listen to everything that bae says. Do not jump into conclusion without giving him/her a chance to explain. Listening to your partner might answer many questions that had haunt your relationship from time to time. 

Spend Time Together

Relationship is a lot of work. I dare not try to make it sound any easier. It takes two people who are determined to make it work. Try to concentrate more on your relationship, invest time in nurturing it. Spend quality time with bae, avoid social gatherings, play games, talk about the weather etc. The more time you spend with bae, the faster your relationship heals. 

Start Dating Again

Most times, if not every time, this is the problem. I don't know why. Once people get to know that they are secure within themselves and become comfortable, they stop doing anything to make their relationship interesting. Start dating again to revive the charm.

Avoid boredom in your relationship and make it more exciting and fun. Plan lunch dates and dinner dates at new places, go on surprise long drives (or walk if you don't have a car. Lol) talk about silly things, gift each other small things, etc. You know all those things you were doing when the love was "sharking" both you, do them again!

Your relationship probably need a tiny slice of spontaneity and a bit of adventure to keep it alive and working again.

"Everyone is replaceable. Yes, but you will never meet the same person twice."

If you’re trying to hold onto a relationship and you love that person, give it a shot! Some relationships are worth the fight.

P.S This article was inspired by a tweet. Glad to know people are willing to make their relationships work. :) 

that's where communication comes in

Stay in love. 

What are you doing to keep the fire in your relationship burning? Your comment might just be what someone needs to read to save theirs. 

Written by Nwamaka Ajaegbu 
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