• https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-OY2wnEGn_cE/V80uockjicI/AAAAAAAAZ8o/r_3CotN5E6U-CUieGteAgUvmn7wuNEzrQCLcB/s1600/do%2Bnot%2Bbe%2Bweary%2Bin%2Bwell%2Bdoinf.jpg


Ever Felt Terrible For Doing The Right Thing? (#SaveMayowa)

I'm pained. Oh! I should say, I was pained. I was pained at the report that followed after a positive news which circulated on social media yesterday.


My first draft of this post was titled:

Nigerians Raised 32 Million Naira in 3 Days To #SaveMayowa

The intention was to acknowledge #SaveMayowa campaign as one of the positive news I found this week. Just the same way I posted last week. Remember? It's right here.

It was something like this:
"University of Lagos Graduate, CEO Hands and Finger foods and an HB SS patient Mayowa Ahmed incidentally diagnosed with bilateral Ovarian Mass Carcinoma needed assistance to raise 100,000 US Dollars (= 32, 000, 000, 000 Naira) for treatment at Emory International Hospital Atlanta USA.

Despite the economic hardship, Nigerians donated 32 Million Naira in 3 days to #SaveMayowa."
However, I deleted the draft.


I didn't know what to think anymore. 

Just when we (who supported the campaign) were happy that the money needed for Mayowa Ahmed's treatment has been completed, and we were proceeding with prayers for her successful medical treatment and healing, something terrible happened.

Linda Ikeji posted on her heavily trafficked blog that:

#SaveMayowa is a scam. 

Is this some kind of joke?!?
Wah-dah-hell?? (yes, I use "hell" when I'm stupefied)

It shook me. 

It shook Nigeria. It shook the world.

I didn't want to believe it. Many people also didn't.

There was a HUGE burden in my heart. My burden wasn't on the money. My burden was on every good person out there.

How would they feel?
Would they ever be inspired to support another?
Would they still help another #SaveXyz project again?

I woke up with the burden still on my heart. I felt like I was going to explode. I hurriedly checked to know the latest update on the report before I punch somebody. Lol.

I was relieved.

I was relieved because
  • Mayowa's family has debunked the report. 
  • what Linda Ikeji posted was not true.
  • those who gave didn't feel foolish.
  • those who didn't give, well, couldn't brag about not giving.


Thank God. 

This is the kind of news that can almost give someborri a heart attack

This post is labelled "diary", "news" and "review". It means everything and more to me.

I am not writing because I want to gain massive traffic on my blog. Nah.
I am not writing to say how dissapointed I am with Linda Ikeji. Nah.

Heart Rays is deeper than that.

I'm writing to keep a memory.

I'm writing to remember the day Nigerians proved they can be are positive.

Gave 32 million Naira in 3 days? Awesome! *claps* We've hid this sweetness inside of us for too long. Can we stop forming "bahdo", please?

So here I'm writing to remember there are still people who are longing to spread as much positive rays into the atmosphere.

I'm writing to remember there are still a good number of positive-minded people in the midst of the wild negativity surrounding us.

I'm writing to remember there are people who are still willing to shine the light in the looming darkness.

I'm writing to remember there is hope for a better world.

Can you imagine a world filled with positivity, inspiration and love?

Never feel terrible for doing the right thing.


P.S You know how I always talk about Linda Ikeji with so much love and admiration. Huh? That love is dwindling. She fell my
hand big time mehn!

P.S.S The Women @ The Well Meet Up is tomorrow. Still wana come? Send email to 4thewomenatthewell@gmail.com

See ya!

Written by Nwamaka Ajaegbu 
Let's connect on Twitter: @Amakamedia
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Heart Rays . . . giving out  the light.
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