• https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-OY2wnEGn_cE/V80uockjicI/AAAAAAAAZ8o/r_3CotN5E6U-CUieGteAgUvmn7wuNEzrQCLcB/s1600/do%2Bnot%2Bbe%2Bweary%2Bin%2Bwell%2Bdoinf.jpg


LOL. It's My 4th Twitterversary!

Last wednesday, Twitter reminded I signed up in 2011, on September 23, precisely, at 11:33 AM. I couldn't publish this post cos of  the 'I Met God' series. So I thought we do it today. It's my 4th year on Twitter. Yay! 

4th Twitterversary

It sounds funny. Yeah? I think so too. Lol. But seriously, it's not easy to have been tweeting for 4 years. It's an achievement. Isn't it?

Congratulations to me jhorr! :D

Why I joined Twitter when I joined Twitter
I was bored. ASUU was on strike. There was literally nothing to do. (I was waiting for NTSC, I think) And no one knew how long the strike could have lasted. One could start a job and the next minute you'll hear "ASUU don call off strike o". So Twitter killed the boredom and kept me happy busy. :D

What I like love about Twitter
I love Twitter for its simplicity. It's easy to scroll through and read the latest news. It also gives room for short and precise expressions of ideas, feelings and opinions. No long discussions.

No other social media inspires my creativity like Twitter does. My followers are the best set of followers too.

What I hate dislike about Twitter
Besides tweeps stealing tweets. I dislike those auto DMs. Phew!

The funny things I discovered on Twitter
When you follow a Nigerian, he tweets "nff" or "done" and mentions you. Also, When a Nigerian follows you, he tweets "kfb" and mentions you. I find it funny. What's that?

Posting a selfie on Twitter is risky. You must have liver to withstand the "yabbings"!

Most Favourited and Retweeted Tweet this year
I posted this when the Xenophonic killing in South Africa was trending
I posted this when love was still 'shacking' me. Lol. 
Democracy day. You know na! 
I posted this to write an article on restitution
(see here)

Now will I stop Tweeting
For what?! Why?! Until Twitter stops being Twitter, ama keep tweeting.  *grins* 

Hehehe! I have tweeted for four years already. 1, 2, 3, 4 and still counting. What an achievement. Lmho! 

Happy Twitterversary to me!

How long have you been on Twitter? Plus, what do you like/dislike about Twitter?

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