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I Met God (4)

"Aunty Mercy, did my mum ask you to call me?" I was shocked that she called.

My Aunty

During our regular morning devotions, I am the one who leads everyone through the praise and worship session. But that morning, I didn't.

I was moody and gloomy.  I was not just happy. I didn't know what was wrong.

I just told God, "You are my Heart Keeper, what's wrong with me? Fix it."

No sooner had I said those words than my phone rang. I was reluctant to pick up the phone. I am not in the mood! I shrugged.

As I heard the phone ring again, I felt the need to pick it up. So I did. It was my aunt.

"Mehn, this God is real!" I shrieked shortly after the call.

Aunty Mercy brought God's message. she told me to relax. She told me not to try to understand but to let God be God. She told me to seek wisdom so as not to choose wrongly. She told me the exact words I needed to hear.

Then she added, "I am praying for you."

God sends me messages in various forms. Sometimes He writes letters, and other times He speaks through someone.

I knew it was God when my aunty called. My heart radiated with joy. I couldn't contain it.

Now I know God wishes me to be happy everyday. I am happy because. . . of God.

Previous series: 
1: I Met God
2: His Letter
3: My Letter
Written by Nwamaka Ajaegbu 
Twitter: @Amakamedia

Heart Rays . . .giving out the light.

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