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23 Affirmations To Cast Out Negative Thoughts

I believe in positivity-speaking. It is a habit turning into a lifestyle. The Bible is replete with verses of affirmation. That is, affirming how God sees you and what He says about you. Here are some. 

Cast Out Negativity

I am no super-human. Negative thoughts crawls into my head once in a while, but I fight them off with positive words from the Word of God.

You have to personalise the Scriptures and then speak them aloud over your life daily, especially in the morning before you take on the day. 

Below are just a few of the affirmations found in the Bible:

“I am rooted and established in Love” [Ephesians 3:17]

“My soul will prosper” [3 John 2]
"I will prosper" [Jeremiah 29:11]

"I am fearfully and wonderfully made” [Psalm 139:14]

“I will bear much fruit” [John 15:5]

“I am the head and not the tail” [Deuteronomy 28:13a]

“I am above and not beneath” [Deuteronomy 28:13b]

“I am a blessing” [Genesis 12: 3]

“I am blessed and highly favored” [Luke 1:28]

“My words are anointed” [Psalm 45:2]

“I have the mind of Christ” [1 Corinthians 2:16]

“I am seated in heavenly places” [Ephesians 2:6]

“God loves me” [John 16:27]

“I have godly wisdom” [1 Corinthians 3:19]

“I am royalty” [Isaiah 62:3]

“I am alive in Christ” [Romans 6:11]

“No weapons formed against me will prosper” [Isaiah 54:17]

“I do not have a spirit of fear but of power, love and a sound mind” [2 Timothy 1:7]

“I am restored” [Job 22:23]

“I am renewed” [Isaiah 40:31]

“I am anointed of God” [1 John 2:27]

“I am a new creature” [2 Corinthians 5:17]

“I am set free” [Galatians 5:1]

OK. So, what if the ugly thoughts come back? Well, here’s what you say and say out loud, “I rebuke every evil thought and take them captive to make them obedient to Christ”. (2 Corinthians 10:5)

Obedient to Christ there means they (your thoughts) should submit to and conform to what the Bible says (that is, you are royal, chosen, anointed, rooted and established in love etc.). What that does is activates the atmosphere around you based on God’s Word. 

It is then up to you to choose and bring to memory what God actually says. This is why reading and meditating on the Word (Bible) is so important, so that in those dark moments you can pull on these affirmations.

Want more affirmations?

It takes 21 days to form a habit. Over the next 21 days, let’s say and think what God says about us. Not what we say or think. Not what others say or think. Only what God says.

What other affirmative verse have you found in the Bible? Share.

Written by Nwamaka Ajaegbu 
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