• https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-OY2wnEGn_cE/V80uockjicI/AAAAAAAAZ8o/r_3CotN5E6U-CUieGteAgUvmn7wuNEzrQCLcB/s1600/do%2Bnot%2Bbe%2Bweary%2Bin%2Bwell%2Bdoinf.jpg


WIW: Ankara Shoes, Earrings and a Bow Tie

Like play like play . . . it is November! O-M-G!!! Happy New month, my super-awesome sweethearts! I was just looking over the past ten months, and I'm like "Mehn, 2015 has been a year of self-discovery." How about you?

It's another What-I-Wore post. Yipee!

WIW: Greeny Ankara Shoes and Bow tie

I've never worn green as many times as I did last month. Phew!
Wait, am I complaining? No.
Who forced me? Nobody.
So what am I now saying? Nothing.
Good. Lol.

I said it and I did it jhorr. I wore green all through the month of October. Ahdonbelivit. For being a patriotic Nigerian and keeping my word, I really deserve an award. :)

From the 1st Sunday to the 2nd Sunday, up to the 3rd Sunday, and to the last Sunday, it's been greeny all the way! And God has been faithful in making me lie down in green pastures. All Glory to Him.

Before the pictures, let's share our testimonies to lift up our spirits and give hope to others. What has God done for you lately?

I'll go first. I have three testimonies:
  1. I have life. The ability to breathe in and breathe out is not by my might, it is by God's grace. Everyday is a gift from God. It's a testimony that I'm alive (and not dead) in the land of the living (and not the dead)
  2. I have hope. There are certain things I expected to have received and certain points I expected to have reached, but not yet. I am still hopeful because of my first testimony . . . I have life. For when there is life, there is hope!
  3. I have a God. It's been God and His goodness all the way. Many times I fall, yet His mercy brings me back up. I'm grateful for the salvation of my soul! Because of God, I have the two testimonies above . . . life and hope.

Your turn. What's your testimony?

* * * * * * * * * * * *
Okey-dokey. See pictures of WIW to church last week: 

I made the shoes and the bow tie myself. I'm becoming a pro in making Ankara accessories. People kept asking how and where I got the shoes from. And when I told them I made the shoes myself, they were astonished. "Wow!" "Are you serious?!" "Ah! Amaka, can you do for me?"

Making Ankara accessories has become one of my businesses. Just like that! For now, I can boast of being able to make bow ties, hair clips, hair bands, bangles, and shoes. :)

You never know what you can do unless you try. We have infinite potentials. We can do and make ALL things. (Philippians 4:13). Let's tap into the light and energy within. The next thing I want to make is an Ankara clutch bag. Can't wait!

Business contracts are already cooking. At two different places where I have rocked Ankara accessories; some people collected my card, some collected my phone numbers while others just couldn't stop staring . . .

I be like "who cares? Let them stare!" 
One of my sweethearts, Pat always say: people will stare. Make it worth their while!
I second. 
A lady has to be confident in whatever she decides to wear. You know wahm saying ;) 

Yeah, that's it! It's been fun and a pleasure appreciating green in all my styles for the month of October. Choosing a monthly colour theme seems to be a good idea. It was kinda easy to figure out what to wear every week. Now I'm thinking of a colour theme for this month. What would you suggest?

2015 is getting better. Eleventh-hour miracles loading . . .

Happy Sunday, sweethearts!

>> Click to see previous styles

Posted by Nwamaka Ajaegbu 
Follow on Twitter: @Amakamedia
Email: amakamedia@yahoo.com

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