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Why It's So Hard To Make Decisions

Hello sweets! How are you? It's been a while, I know. Am I still a life-style blogger? 😨. These days I look at my blog and wonder what exactly I should share with you. I can't seem to make up my mind.

Making Decisions Can Be Hard

One of the hardest decisions I've made was having to quit a job, it was a very scary one. So I know the thrills on how hard making a decision can be.

Ever been there? Weighing all options and finding it hard to choose.

Being afraid. Being worried. Having sleepless nights.

The UNCERTAINTY of where our choices might lead makes it difficult to make decisions. The "What if . . . " moments.

"It's so hard to make a choice."

That's a lie. It's not so hard to make a choice.

Decisions are difficult simply because we do not trust God with the results of our decisions.

We also do not believe in ourselves.

You do not make up your mind because you are not fully committed to what you believe and in what you know to be right.

Oh, read the above paragraph again.
That's the main point of this post. I just spilled why making decisions is hard for you. You can now leave. Lol. (I am literally talking to myself. Weird me).


My Real Life Scenario:

I'm having a hard time making a decision here . . .

About Dear Diary
(very personal thoughts, feelings and experience)

I'd ask: Should I continue with Tuesday's Dear Diary?

I be like: You only go from the house to the office on every week day. What is so special about that? Forget it.

Another me be like: How about you write about how your day went? Who you ran into, what you learnt, etc

The other me: Oops. Don't. That's boring. Besides, are you sure your colleagues would like you to tell the wrld about them?

And I end up not making up my mind about that.

About What-I-Wore
(style tips and inspiration)

When I ask: Should I continue with posting pictures of What-I-Wore on Sundays?

I be like: Hmm . . . I think we've had enough of your Ankara Styles on the blog. Can you jazz it up a bit?

Then I ask: how do you mean?

Another me be like: Your lifestyle has changed up a bit. It is not the same anymore.

I ask: Which change? I am still me biko. I love Ankara and I still wear them. So . . . ?

I be like: Well, you have to change the concept. Be more flexible and create varieties - Church styles, office styles, street style.

And I end up not making up my mind about that.

About Love-Wednesday
(love and relationship issues)

I'd say: Tbvh, I think I have covered all there is to talk about being in a relationship at this stage of my life.

I've written about:

Also shared my experience of:

What else have I not mentioned?

Then I be like: So, in your mind now, there is nothing about relationship that can't be found on Heart Rays. Huh? Look here, there are many more topics to explore.

Another me be like: Well, at the moment, you are not dating anyone. You are not in a relationship. You are not married. Maybe you should keep quiet relationship for now.

Maybe. Maybe I am actually laying low on that one.


Now you understand what I am going through. It is not a matter of having nothing to share (or perhaps brag about. Lol). It is a matter of not making up my mind.

Making decisions does not generally come easily or naturally.

Making decisions are a part of life, and you'll never be able to break away from that. But after reading this article, you should have a little more perspective on why certain decisions can be so difficult.

When you have too many options, just choose any one.

Having too many options does not always mean there is a wrong one. Make up your mind already.

One of the ways to make those decisions easier is to:


If you are committed to set your mind on God’s Word, renewing your mind with truth and getting stinking thinking out of your way, then following your heart is the next step.

It’s often good to think through your decisions. But don’t overdo it. Overthinking can reach a point of diminishing returns, confusing more than clarifying. Many good decisions can be made based as much on intuition as on meticulous assessment of endless data and factors.

If all else fails and you still can't figure out which option to go for, rely on this old standby: listen to your heart and believe what it says.
Simple. Yeah?


Thanks for sticking around.

See you when I hear my heart whisper. 😉

Meanwhile, let's discuss, what is the hardest decision you've ever made?

Written by Nwamaka Ajaegbu 
Let's connect on Twitter: @Amakamedia
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