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STYLE: Hide Your Colour In Black And White

Yipee! This is my first style post of 2017. I don't even know why I'm excited. Lol. It's not a weird thing to be happy for no particular reason, right? :)

Black And White

If I have my way, I'd wear a combination of red, yellow, blue and green everyday. I love colours, and I enjoy living in them literally. However, I chose to hide my colour on my first day at work.

I didn't want to give too much of myself away. On one hand, I didn't want to look like an uptight nerd, and on the other, I didn’t want to look like a slob.

You know when you meet your colleagues for the first time, they won’t waste time in sizing you up, and will use what you’re wearing for clues to your personality (don’t judge them, we all do it). That’s why what you wear is such a big part of the first impression you make. I didn’t want to dress in a way that makes me stand out – either too casually or too formally.

my legs tho

Considering all these factors, black and white looks PERFECT.

The perfection of a high contrast look is hard to put into words, but you know chic when you see it. Wearing black and white head-to-toe is the easiest formula for a put-together formal and sophisticated look.

I wore a white shirt tucked in a black dress. It's a long-sleeved shirt, but I rolled it up. As a purely stylistic expression, rolled sleeves mostly sends a visual signal that says “I am relaxed.” Looking relaxed yet creating an air of mystery on my first day at work was the goal. And I must say, it worked.

P.s Sorry the pictures are not sharp enough. I hope to save enough money to buy a digital camera soon. :D

What do you think? Got a tip of your own for a look that is formal, sophisticated and relaxed altogether? Please share in the comment box below. Thanks.

Posted by Nwamaka Ajaegbu 
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