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Letter To My Inner Self; Step Out Of The Dark & Come Into The Light

This letter can be addressed to all anonymous writers, bloggers, artists and creativists. However, I am addressing it to my inner self. 

Letter to Anonymous

Dear Anonymous,

I wonder why you are doing it, what your motives are. I really don't get it. Why do you hide your true identity?

I don't trust you. No, I don't.

How can I trust someone I don't know? It's not safe enough to connect with you, to open myself to you.

The real key to your influence with me is your content, your authenticity. Your content flows naturally out of your heart, that is, out of your character. The realness of your personality - not what others say you are or what you want me to think you are. Becoming who you are for Who you are is evident in how I actually experience you.

I can't connect my heart rays with yours when you choose to hide your light - your identity. Your authenticity. As in, I just can't relate with you. If you are not connected with who you really are, you are probably just living your life unintentionally and living up to others’ expectations and projections.

Hidden radiations might produce a negative atmosphere. 
Your content is something that is constantly radiating, communicating from your character, in the long run, I could possibly instinctively trust or distrust you. But, I doubt the latter.

Light do not hide. It is to be seen. 

I want to be personal with real lives and real people. Those who share their lives transparently live in full awareness of who they are and what they stand for. I even feel naturally connected to them too. In their vulnerabilities lies their strengths. 

See, it is very hard for me to open up with you. I don't know whether your life runs hot or cold, whether you are caustic or kind, whether you are sour or sweet, and above all, whether your private performance squares up with your public presentation. It's a big risk for me.

In as much as I may need your influence and want to work with you, I don't feel safe enough to express my hearty opinions, reveal my life experiences and share my tender feelings through your anonymousness.

I do hope you step out of this darkness and come into the light. Life is a beautiful view from here.

Let me know when you are ready to be YOU. 

Best regards,
Nwamaka Ajaegbu
Creative Director
Amakamedia Network

* * * * *

We all can be anonymous is various ways. You are anonymous if you stay stuck where you are, and refuse to do or learn something new. You are anonymous if you refuse to step out of your comfort zone. You are anonymous if you are afraid of who you are.

If we wait until we are perfect, until we fix all our cracks, to offer ourselves to God, then we will never do so. But if we offer ourselves to God with all of our frailties and flaws, our damage and darkness, his light will permeate our cracks and then shine through them.

Sweetie, uncover your identity. Come out into the light. 

* * * * *
I've been having a nudge in my spirit to be more transparent with my life - more like revealing my secrets, passions, dreams, fears and weaknesses - witholding nothing. I have been stylishly doing it. But now, it's time be intentional. Very intentional.

To start with, there is going to be a change in "Dear Diary". You've been seeing so much of my outer selfies, it's time to for you to see my inner selfies. (I'm so excited and scared altogether. Lol).

"Dear Diary" shall now be featured every Tuesday. It is exactly what it means, my diary. Laying it all down publicly. This is an act of obedience, a step of faith and an art of worship.

May God help me. And may all who read my diary be blessed for it. Amen.

Be inspired.
Be You. 
Love you.

Written by Nwamaka Ajaegbu 
Follow on Twitter: @Amakamedia
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Email: amakamedia@yahoo.com
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Heart Rays . . .giving out  the light.
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