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When Plans Fail, Your Positive Actions Will Make It Work

Hey! Are you sleeping already? So sorry. This post is a very late post. I am posting at 9:59PM. Why? Because people refused to share their Heart Rays with me my plans failed.*teary eyes*

When Plans Fail

I told you on Tuesday that I was going to be on the street asking people about their resolutions. Yeah? I did. But got nothing.

Some people said, "My resolution is personal. I don't feel comfortable telling you."

Others just said, "I want 2016 to be better. That's all."

There was no useable content in all they said. I wanted to hear things like "I resolve to be closer to God" "I want to get married this year" "I want to make more money this year" and all that. They refused to talk.

So I went home feeling rather disappointed. My plans failed. It was a not-so-good day for me.

I didn't record. I didn't write. I didn't design. I didn't create anything. Not even a blog post.

I just wanted the day to pass by quickly. So I could face tomorrow. A better tomorrow.

And here comes tomorrow. Tomorrow is today. 

Today, I woke up feeling happy and positive. So I had to make up for what I didn't do yesterday. My mind was extremely busy. And yes, I completed the tasks on my to-do list. 

I recorded. I wrote. I designed. I created a blog post. Which is what you are now reading. . .

* * * * *

There will be times when your plans fail and you do not achieve the goal you were aiming for. This is a natural part of life. It is not a cause for depression. Rather than getting upset, you can review the situation, identify the changes which you can make and get back on track to achieving your goal. Setbacks happen to everyone. 

5 Major Lessons From Yesterday

If today isn't good, believe that tomorrow will be better.

What you didn't do or achieve today might be done tomorrow; if only you refuse to procrastinate, give up, or die.

You’ll have to deal with a certain amount of negativity in your life. You can’t really change that. Negative people exist, but you can change how you deal with it. It is actually up to you to be a positive star. You can choose to stay inspired no matter what people throw at you.

Take control of your life, and lead it where you want to go. Don’t allow others to dictate how you should feel. That’s something you can do for yourself.

When plans fail, go home and sleep. Don't think about it until tomorrow. 

Is it worth the effort? Unequivocally yes. I later realized how awesome yesterday was. I am grateful for it. I gained these valuable life lessons that I probably wouldn’t get anywhere else. :) 

And finally, I couldn't let this day be a blanksheet. So I wrote on it. *whispers* I hope my late post is justified now.  

P.S. I appreciate all your beautiful comments on yesterday's post. Favour, Vicky and Aderonke were exceptional. I'm yet to decide which makes our #9. But I'm thinking the most upvoted comment should have it.

P.S.S. Tomorrow's podcast is titled "How To Hear God". I'm excited.

Stay sweet.
Love you.

Meanwhile, what do you do when your plans fail?

Written by Nwamaka Ajaegbu 
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Heart Rays . . .giving out  the light.
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