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The Best New Year's Resolution Ever

I usually do not make new year's resolutions, and I also do not "take each day as it comes". I just like to make a list of things I want. Who remembers my Christmas wish list? Lol. But I have one resolution for the new year.

New Year's Resolution

I love, absolutely love, studying God’s Word. From the time I first said "yes" to Jesus, I have devoured the Scriptures. And yet, I'll admit, extended times of prayer have been a struggle for me. That is one area I have to work on this year. I have to discipline myself to set the time apart to "be still and know."

I want to be so close to God that I can hear His heartbeat.

I have resolved to know Christ by spending time in His Word, going to Him in prayer, meditating upon Him, and asking Him for help. I resolve that I want to know God more and more. I will start by being in His Word every day - not just reading the words of the Bible, but meditating upon them, personalizing them, and making them part of my life. And I resolve to connect with those who are part of the body of Christ, who will challenge me to know Christ better, while hopefully I do the same to them.

This is the best resolution ever. When we seek God's face everyday of our lives, every other thing will fall into place. We will not need to struggle.

I personally do not want to be stressed this year. So I will just let God do all the work. More of Him and less of me.

Bear in mind that new year's resolution is not something that should just last for the month of January. It is something that should last throughout the year.

Are you game?

Here is my new year's daily prayer:

Lord, I can’t wait to experience this day with You. I’m so glad that Christ is in me and I am in Him. We’re on this journey together. In You I live and move and have my being. Give me the grace to walk with You and not just work for You. Help me be a channel of Your love, hope, peace and joy to someone today.
In Jesus’ Name,

Hymn for the year: Draw me nearer, nearer blessed Lord.

P.S. 1. This Friday on Heart Rays, I shall be on the streets like I did on Christmas Day to ask people what their new year's resolutions are. Sounds great. Yeah? I hope I haven't jinxed it by telling you now. Lol.

P.S. 2. I may not be fequent on the blogosphere like before. I have a deep feeling that God will be drawing my attention to something bigger. Not certain yet. But trust me, I will let you know.

P.S.S A sweetheart, Nikemi wrote an article about a BIG lesson she learnt last year. I believe you will find it inspiring. Click here to read it.

Now lemme ask you, what's your new year's resolution?

Written by Nwamaka Ajaegbu 
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