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REVIEW: Make-up

...should a Christian wear make-up?

"Hmmm! let's hear what she's going to say!" I should guess that's your reaction on this page, right? of course, I'm not wrong.

"Make-up is the in-thing now."

"make-up is make-up. Everybody wears make-up. The powder, body cream, hair cream, lip gloss and blah blah blah are all part of make-up" says the girls next door. You too?

 I'd love to let you know that make-up is of two categories; the care make-up and the decorative make-up. (wow! I never heard that before!) Now you do dear. The care make-up are for preventive and protective measures. The powder is to keep your face from being too oily, the lip-gloss is to keep your lips from being chapped, the hair cream is to prevent your hair from scrapping off. These are a must for all ladies. And, the decorative make-up? just as the name implies are colour products intended to alter the users appearance. But why would you do that? Please let me know. For Jezebel, in II Kings 9:30, her reason was to entice Jehuh. What's yours?

The proper purpose of make-up ought to be to enhance a woman's attractiveness by highlighting her natural beauty. It's not to saturate her entire face with all the make-up in a beauty shop.

"I can't do without make-up"  "I'm so ugly without make-
up" "it makes me feel womanly" "I feel confident with make-up" could those be your reasons to apply make-up? to attract the opposite sex? to feel among? let us examine ourselves. Don't build false security in your make-up. Don't make it your god. If you can't walk out of the house without applying a make-up, then you've got a problem. When you get used to make-up, you become unattractive afterwards and unclothed if you don't have it on.

1Sam 16:7b declares, "The LORD does not look at the things man look at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart.
1Tim 2:9-10 tells us "in like manner also, that women adorn themselves , in modest apparel; with shamefacedness and sobriety: not with braided hair, or gold, or pearls or costly array. But (which becometh women professing godliness with good works.
A Christian woman should display shamefacedness i.e humility and respect for her body, her husband's authority and God's temple. Paul did not forbid women from wearing make-up or whatsoever. Rather he tells us to not let our outward appearance become more important than our inner beauty. Have you considered that the things we do come from the heart? From the heart we do all things. When we put on the make-up, it is an action. It is from the heart. Make-up is a result of a problem and not the problem itself.  A woman should not be so focused on her outward appearance that she neglects her inner spiritual life. The bible focuses on the heart.

Peter reminds us if this spiritual fact: "your beauty should not come  from outward adornment, such as braided hair and the wearing of gold jewelry and fine clothes. Instead, it should be that if your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God's sight. (1 Pet 3:3-5). One thing to remember is that, our bodies are the temples of God. It should follow that we take care of that temple and do nothing that would cause others to wonder whether God lives in us.
The eye-shadow, the foundation, the lip-sticks, the pencils and blah blah blah are basically to make you look different. Right? Yes. The difference could be a nightmare to you and the other person if you don't take caution.

 First of all, are you up for God? I mean, really for Christianity? Then if what you are doing or wearing is causing undue attention, then you are in the wrong direction. The point is if anyone has any doubt as to your Christianity because of the way you dress, you've got a problem. Believe me, you do.

Don't be so hypocritical and overlook all that tears you away  to the world. The loud and boisterous look does not depict the Christendom in you. Don't try to be like the world.

Dear, there's nothing wrong in/with make-up as long as it is done in a modest  manner. It is bad when it becomes a priority.

Girl, if you must do it, let it MODERATION be your WATCHWORD.

(You might also like to read my review on jewellery here)

Written by Nwamaka Ajaegbu 
Follow on Twitter: @Amakamedia

Heart Rays . . .giving out the light.

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