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REVIEW: The Beautiful Butterflies

I love butterflies! The story of the life of a butterfly can be so inspiring. It captures my imagination. They are not only bright, beautiful and colourful but are also sensitive to change, growth and transformation.They are ever changing and embracing the new and different life's processes.

A butterfly wasn't always a butterfly. It starts with a tiny egg that hatches into a caterpillar. The caterpillar grows and grows until its time to build a hardened shell around its body, called a chrysalis or cocoon. While the caterpillar sleeps inside the chrysalis, its body changes and grows new parts(it's an inside-out process). And then, when it eventually comes out. (after the waiting period) Oh! when it comes out, it becomes a beautiful butterfly.

I would talk about what happens inside the chrysalis on some other posts. It'd be awesome, I believe.

I thought about what happens if the butterfly decided to live like it used to before it was changed. What if it was so comfortable being just a caterpillar? But it wasn't. The butterfly was willing to go through the processes! It never gave up. And the more I find answers to these questions in my heart, the more I love the butterflies. And the more I love butterflies, the more I desire transformation. Aha, just talking about butterflies even gives me butterflies. Really.

We need to be uncomfortable when we desire change. We need to decide. We need to have a vision of what it is that we want to become. We need to learn to embrace the changes that we face in our lives.

The caterpillar changes to the butterfly represents God's changes in our lives.

The bible says in 2Cor 5:17, "if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation, the old has gone, the new has come!" NLT

God can change you on the inside to make you a new, glorious creature. Just like a caterpillar changes into a butterfly. It is an inside-out process.

Look beyond your present circumstances, and hope for the beautiful, glorious and perfect future that God has promised you.

Please, pray with me:

Lord Jesus, I thank You for being so loving and faithful. I acknowledge that You've been with me all through the journey so far. I ask that you help me to trust You more through the different times and seasons of my life. Amen.

I love how God speaks to us through His creation. I'm still fascinated with the life and beauty of butterflies.

Thanks for reading.

I see The Light Again

Written by Nwamaka Ajaegbu 
Follow on Twitter: @Amakamedia 
Email: amakamedia@yahoo.com

Heart Rays  . . .giving out the light.

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