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Cut Something Out

Hello sweethearts of my blogosphere. You good? I'm in a happy and peaceful place. God has shown me mercy and given me grace. I want to extend this grace to you today.

Cut Something Out

I won't want to bore you with stories behind this article because all I want is for you to get the message.

Sometimes you don't need another blessing to have a new testimony.
Sometimes you don't need to get more money to be richer.
Sometimes you don't need a new friend to expand your network.
Sometimes you don't need a new set of clothes to upgrade your wardrobe.
Sometimes you don't need a new job to be productive.
Sometimes you don't need an addition to fill up the cup.

Read: Stop Disturbing My Life

What you need is to share your testimony to have the new blessing.
What you need is to give out your money so you can have a fatter account.
What you need is to let go of a toxic relationship for you to appreciate those who love you more and/or meet someone new.
What you need is to break away from pleasing the crowd and/or following trends for you to make best use of your wardrobe.
What you need is to stop making excuses and start using your gifts to be a blessing.
What you need is to pour away the dirt so your cup can be full.

Read: Things You Should Stop Doing

During the SLC2017 event, the great man of God, Bishop T.D. Jakes kept on saying "Cut That Rock!" and he told us to say it over and over and over again. Cut that rock! Cut that rock! Cut that rock! He explained that the mountains before us must be made plain. There are some things that need to go before we can move to a new place. There are some people that need to leave us before we can get to the next level.

We need to let go of some weight. No one on a flight travels with load. Cut something out.

Sometimes we hold on to stuff that are not doing us good, people that are holding us back, dreams that are taking us away from our true calling. Sometimes we don’t realize that we’re carrying too many excess baggage, preventing us from running light.

Read: Let The End Be The End

An enemy disguised as a friend has been cut out of my life. It took me a long time to break away because I was so attached. Every time I try, we get back together again. But I am grateful to God for strength to finally break free! Thank You Jesus! (It's now official).

He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful. 
~ John 15:2

As August ends this week; something might just have to go with it. I hope you pray to God to show you what has to be cut out from you. And I pray He gives you the same grace as He has given me.

It would be painful but trust me, it would be beautiful.

If you had lost something this month, be filled with hope. God will never take something away without giving you back more in return. Trust that He knows what He’s doing.

Here's wishing you a week filled with happiness and peace.
Stay inspired.

Written by Nwamaka Ajaegbu 
Connect on Twitter: @Amakamedia
Connect on Instagram: @amakamedia
And Bloglovin: Amakamedia

Heart Rays . . . giving light.

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