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One Word Is Enough For You

Still on The PYH Series . . .

We are not done with our study on Joshua chapter 1. There is more . . .

One Word

Just after God told Joshua "Have I not commanded you? . . ," the following verse mentioned that Joshua summoned the leaders of the people, saying:

"Pass through the camp and say to the people "Get some food ready, because in three days you are going to cross the River Jordan to occupy the land that the LORD your God is giving you."
~ Joshua 1:10-11, GNT

We will come to Joshua's order later, but for today let's talk about the fact that Joshua didn't waste time in getting to work.

One would think that he knew what to do from the get-go considering the way he went about calling the leaders together and telling them what to do almost immediately. 

When I read that verse I was like, "Lord, how did Joshua know what to do? how did Joshua know they were going to cross the river Jordan in three days? It was never mentioned in any of the verses."

Joshua sounded so sure. He was so certain that God would give them the land.

"Joshua had been studying."

Joshua found the answer in the Book.

Behind the scenes (undisclosed in the verses), I am convinced that Joshua was gaining wisdom by staying close to God. He must had already memorized many of the words Moses had written down. He had to meet God. Only God would give him confidence (not self-confidence oh but God-confidence). Only God could lead him. He had to meditate in God’s Word day and night.

Are you looking for answers, help or direction? Get it in the Word.

The word is all you need. One word is enough to get you moving. One word is enough to make you strong and bold.

One word is enough.

When God has given you responsibility for something, you need to carry it out.

I don't know what word you need to get through the responsibilities you have this week, but here are a few from Joshua 1:

"Be of good courage!"

"I will not fail you!"

"Don't be discouraged!"

"I will not forsake you!"

"Be strong!"

"I will never leave you!"

"Don't be afraid!"

"Do according to My word, I will make you prosper."

Observe my word, you will succeed!

Have a great week ahead.
Stay inspired.

Posted by Nwamaka Ajaegbu 
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