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Dear Diary, The Wedding Was Like A School Reunion

If you'd like to know the latest gist about me, just check my daily Tweets. Lol. My TL is more current than my blog - My sweethearts on Twitter have heard this gist sinceee.

Anyways, this happens to be my first public diary entry for the year. :)

The First Wedding 2017

I have a lot of friends. It always feels like bragging when I say that, like I’m suggesting I could be the inspiration for a Little Miss Popular magazine or something, but I’m not sure how else to phrase it right now.

I’ve tried to maintain contact (thank God for social media) with the friends I grew up with in Oshodi, with the new people I've met through university in Enugu and NYSC in Akure. And it’s all added up to quite a large group.

What this means is that I’ve had many of my weekends to be about bridal showers, reunions and weddings. I’ve travelled to Akure, Ebonyi and Aba for weddings. I’ve had to decline a few invitations when the trip just wasn’t feasible, but for the most part, I’ve tried to be there for my friends’ celebrations.

My wedding count is now over 50, and I have several more already on my calendar, including my own. Amen. Lol.

I just love weddings.

I love to see the beautiful smiles on my friends' faces.
I enjoy watching them dance.
I like to be there to show I care.
I like to be in their wedding pictures.

One of the best things I also love about weddings is when they turn into a mini school reunion. Seeing old friends and classmates is such a delight.

So I attended Babs' wedding on the very first Saturday of the year. How sweet. Amazing. Beautiful.

Is it necessary to tell you that I don't really know the bride? 😋 I attended this wedding because of the groom. Babs' is one of my favourite people. I love him.

I must admit that this wedding has opened the door to many more weddings.

I had a date the next day.

. . . To be continued in June.

Posted by Nwamaka Ajaegbu 
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