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Notes From 'Bridging The Gap Between Ruth And Naomi 2.0'

It's April 30. And I can't believe the month has come to an end. April was a blast back to back. Oh, what a refreshing month I had! It was indeed totally different from March 2018. Wai. . .tt, wait, let's not spill until the next Tuesday's Dear-Diary post. 🙂

Here's some dose of inspiration from last weekend's hangout with my girlfriends.

Bridging The Gap Between Ruth and Naomi 2.0

If you have been an ardent follower of this blog, you must have heard me mention 'The Women At The Well (TWTW)' a couple of times. Read here and here.

'Bridging the gap between Ruth and Naomi' is an annual event organized by TWTW. The second edition held last weekend, and it was (*** please help me insert a word to describe how it feels when your heart is sweaming in the ocean of God's love here***).

🎶 how do I describe 
a God that is indescribable?
how do I explain
the love that is unexplainable?

Ohhhh ohhhh ohhhh my heart sings ohhhh ohhhh ohhhh 🎶 

In as much as I want you to understand the concept behind the Ruth-Naomi relationship, I'm not going to try to bore you with so many words. However, one thing you should know is;

Every Ruth needs a Naomi and every Naomi needs a Ruth.

The younger generation need the older generation to show them the path and help them navigate the path because they have been there before, and the older generation need the younger generation likewise. It is a concept of giving and receiving.

The goal is to restore the broken link of exchange between the two generations, hence, bridging the gap between Ruth and Naomi.

As Ruth gives love, light and life to Naomi, Ruth is receiving the love, light and life that Naomi gives. It is a dynamic exchange of giving.

Giving cannot occur without a receiver. Receiving, actually, is an act of giving.

Wow. *whispers* I don't know where that came from. It has to be God-inspired! Writing this just threw a light on the Heart Rays Concept for me.

Thank You Holy Spirit.

We had three speakers who we fondly call; Sis Bidemi, Aunty Salt and Hephzibah Frances respectively. 

Note From Aunty Salt (Naomi)

  • "Jesus did not die on the cross to make me a mother. A communicator. Or a wife. He died to make me a son. My identity is not in what I do, it is in who I am. I am a son of God!"
  • "I don't have a job. I am meeting a need and solving a problem that just happens to be in an organization."

Questions To Ponder On:
  • Who are you? 
  • Are you really growing?
  • What ministry are you involved in?
  • Do you really believe in God? 

Your relationship with God determines your answers to these questions. When you have an active, intimate, deeper, intense, personal relationship with God, you will know who you are, you will grow into maturity, you will serve in your area of calling and you will live with a solid faith in Him.

Note From Sister Bidemi (Naomi)

  • "You have to decide before you need to decide. It is not until they bring the alcohol on the table that you would now decide. You have to decide ahead of the temptation. When the day comes, what would you do?"
  • "You can get anything from heaven if your relationship with God is intact. God still works!"

Questions To Ponder On
  • What have you decided?
  • What are the things, for you, that truly matter?

You need to be OK with people not knowing you. Embrace obscurity.
Don't be under pressure.
Don't be under pressure to please people.
Don't be under pressure to do fashion.
Don't be under pressure to marry. 
You are a solution.
When you have the solution that responds to his problem, he'll come.
Stay where God planted you. 

Note From Hephzibah Frances (Ruth)

(I got distracted here because I was taking pictures and streaming live) The major point I caught was:

"Look around you. There is someone you can mentor. It might be that girl you walkpass at the gate every morning. Look around you."

My weekend was indeed refreshing. How did yours go?

READ ALSO: Highlights From Spirit-Life Conference

Thanks for reading. I hope you got something out of this post.

P.s We had a question and answer session. It was loaded! I'll tell you about the questions I asked with the answers I got in some other post.

May is almost here.
Wishing you have many lovely days ahead.
Stay inspired.

Written by Nwamaka Ajaegbu 
Let's connect on Twitter: @Amakamedia
Let's connect on Instagram: @amakamedia
And Bloglovin: Amakamedia

Heart Rays . . . giving light.

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