• https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-OY2wnEGn_cE/V80uockjicI/AAAAAAAAZ8o/r_3CotN5E6U-CUieGteAgUvmn7wuNEzrQCLcB/s1600/do%2Bnot%2Bbe%2Bweary%2Bin%2Bwell%2Bdoinf.jpg


Dear Diary, This Is All I Want

I was planning to post about how my birthday went, but I feel prompted to share something else.

Dear Diary
~ All I Want ~

I am happy. I am at peace with God. I am at peace with myself.

For the first time in my life, I don't want a birthday cake, gift of shoes and those things I have considered fanciful.

All I want today and forever is a HEART BURNING after God - a passionate desire to please God.

I want to live the kind of life that makes God smile. I want to make God proud. I just want to make God happy.

This is my birthday wish. 


Dear Diary
1:25 PM
~ God Sings Over Me ~

When June came, I received a Word of inspiration that it was going to be a Melodious June. Melody in the light of sounds, rhythm, songs, dance, etc everything that has to do with music. I am now getting the latest gist: God sings.

Here’s the verse that is brewing in my heart today. This is the first time God will be using it with me, or I should say the first time I will be SEEing it.

It’s Zephaniah 3:17:
The LORD your God is with you, he is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, he will quiet you with his love, he will rejoice over you with singing.
It seems to me as God's response to my birthday wish. (previous entry).

It is profound on every level. God is with me and is mighty to save—great words, but what is striking to me here is that this great God who created the heavens and the earth “will take great delight in you.” GOD take delight in ME? God take GREAT delight in me? You must be joking. No. This is God’s Word. No jokes.
But that’s not all. “He will quiet you with his love.” When the waves are crashing and the ship is sinking, or we’re stumbling in the water, getting swallowed in darkness, thinking we’re about to drown, God will rescue us, quieting us with His love. Is our God not just too Good?!

And then "he will rejoice over you with singing". This one is so sweet to my soul. God will sing over me?! (I was jumping on my bed, blasting in tongues and crying out for joy). That’s kind of hard to take in but when you do, it will send your Spirit soaring.

Can you imagine God singing? Let’s make things a little easier; imagine Jesus, God-come-in-the-flesh, singing this to you:
"you are great, yes you are, holy one. You will walk upon the sea. You'll raise the dead . . . "

While you sing to Him:
"you are great, yes you are, holy God. You walked upon the sea. You raised the dead . . . "

I am yet to get a grip on it! *screaming*

Posted by Nwamaka Ajaegbu 
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Heart Rays . . . giving light.

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