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Let God Set Your Agenda - Joyce Meyer

I have been intentionally following Joyce Meyer for a while now. She is one of my spiritual mamas - I listen to her sermons, read her books, stalk her tweets and visit her website whenever and everytime I have the chance to.

Permit me to use her inspiring words to speak to us today. (This is my word in season).

Let God Be God In Your Life

Remember, you made your schedule, and you can change it. Pray about your day, your week, and your life goals to find out what God wants you to do, and what He doesn't want you to do.

If you don't do what God is telling you to do, you may let people control and manipulate you to do what they want you to do. You may end up doing things for which you are not anointed. If you do what God tells you to do, He will bless you with joy, peace, rest, and wonderful relationships.

Get Rid of Distractions

Sometimes you may just need to clear away the clutter so you can clearly see what is worthwhile. Here is a simple suggestion:

Don't keep more than you can take care of. If you have so much junk in your home that it takes you hours to dust it, get rid of something.

Find a big carton and write "Blessing Box" on the side of it. Start putting extra things into it until cleaning is more manageable. Find someone who doesn't have much and bless them. You will be amazed at how easy it is to start your day right when you are no longer distracted by things you don't need.

Get Up and Work

And let the beauty and delightfulness and favor of the Lord our God be upon us; confirm and establish the work of our hands-yes, the work of our hands, confirm and establish it (Psalm 90:17).

It is obvious we are supposed to work more than rest. Some people just lie on the couch, eating junk food and watching television all day, and then they wonder why their lives are a wreck.

Once rested, get up and work. You can't take authority over your life if you don't have authority over a sink full of dirty dishes or a messy garage. If you want to grow in ministry to others, the Word says you must get your own house in order first.

Stay home and clean if you need to; but win the battle of getting your life in order before tackling the whole world.

Ministry Is Fulfilling Work

For you shall eat [the fruit] of the labor of your hands; happy (blessed, fortunate, enviable) shall you be, and it shall be well with you (Psalm 128:2).

There is nothing more fulfilling than being rested and ready for the work that God has called us to do. God puts the desire in us to minister to people through whatever work we do. But ministry is work that requires physical, emotional, and spiritual strength.

Hard work is rewarding when you follow God's way and minister to other people through "the labour of your hands." That is why it is so important to start your day with God. His presence will build you up emotionally, His words will strengthen you spiritually, and the time of rest that He calls you to enjoy will make you physically able to handle whatever may come your way.

There Will Always Be Harvest

After a seed is planted, the heat, moisture and pressure of the ground finally cause the outer hull to crack open. Then roots shoot down, digging their way through the ground. It takes time for this to happen, and it takes place underground. 

Above the ground, you can't tell anything is happening. That's the way our lives are. 

After we plant seeds of obedience, we feel like nothing is happening, but all kinds of things are happening inside where we can't see. And like the seed that finally bursts through the ground with a beautiful green shoot, our seeds of obedience finally break forth into a beautiful manifestation of God in our lives.

When harvestime comes, the desires of your heart begin to manifest - bondages fall off of you and you see your dreams come true.

(Copied from 'Starting Your Day Right' written by Joyce Meyer. cbn.com)

* * * * * * 

I pray it ministered to you as it has for me.

The number one reason we get under stress is because we’re in conflict with God. We’re trying to control things that only God can control. You can’t control your parents, your spouse, your children or your job or your future or your past or any of that stuff. The more you do it, the more you’re trying to play God. Let God be God in your life.

I wish you a stress-free week as you trust God to give you the best of what you dream.

Stay positive.


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