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He Needs Your Love Now, Even If You've Never Met Him (Pray For Your Future Husband)

You don’t become a praying wife and/or mother overnight.

Pray For Your Future Husband

I often pray for my future husband. But sometimes it can be hard to pray for someone you’ve never even met before! So what are you supposed to pray? How can you pray deeper, more meaningful, and powerful prayers for your future man?

When I got this book 'Prayer For Your Future Husband' written by my darling sister and friend, Frances (who is now known as Hephzibah), I immediately knew I was going to take up the challenge. But it lingered.

I finally did it. Fully.

This prayer challenge is near and dear to my heart, and has taught me a lot. I’m thrilled to share it with you! I hope that this will encourage you to pray for your future spouse, or the man that God has already blessed you with.

21 Days Of Praying For Your Future Husband

Day 1
Dear Lord,
I pray that my future husband will love You more than he loves me, and he will please You more than he will please me.

Day 2
Dear Lord,
I pray that my future husband will continually grow in his personal relationship with You because his love for me stems from his relationship with You.

Day 3
Dear Lord,
I pray that my future husband will receive grace and strength to stand in the gap and stay in the place of prayer. I pray that no matter the time and weather he will rise and humbly come to his place of prayer, to partner with You and establish your purpose here on earth in the name of Jesus, AMEN.

Day 4
Dear Lord,
I pray that my future husband will make You His priority. I don't mind being second. I pray that You will indeed be the authority over his head, and that You teach him how to love.

Day 5
Dear Lord,
I pray for my future husband to be wrecked by love. May his flesh give way to the Spirit of love from now that he may walk in divine love — in the home, at work, on the street, at church and even with strangers.

Day 6
Dear Lord,
I pray that you grant my future husband the grace to do what you have ordained for him to do. I pray that is hands will not go slack on the path You have placed him. May he walk on the path of Your purpose in the name of Jesus!

Related Post: Thank God I Am Not Married Yet

Day 8
Dear Lord,
Help my future husband to choose his friends wisely. Bring him men who will encourage his accountability before You, and will not lead him into sin.

Day 9
Dear Future Husband,
I pray that your wife will indeed be a helper to you. She will do you good and give you joy forever in the name of Jesus!

Day 10
Dear Future Husband,
I pray that you will stand out in your place of work and business. The light of God will shine on everything you do. You will find favour in the sight of men and in the sight of God.

Day 11
Dear future husband,
I pray that you will be the best father to children. You will not only give them stuff, but you will also give them you — your time, your attention, your heart. You will be a family man.

Related Post: What I Want My Husband To Call Me

Day 12
Dear Lord,
Thank You for my future husband. Thank You for the life that we get to share and do together. I pray that we always make time to have fun. I pray we laugh and enjoy our time together. I pray we make it a priority to have fun, but I also pray that it happens naturally because we are having fun. I pray my husband feels refreshed being around me and that You would bless him in Jesus’ name, AMEN!

Day 13
Dear Lord,
May my breast will satisfy my future husband. May our sexual intimacy together be ever fresh, positive, and a reflection of selfless love in the name of Jesus!

Day 14
Dear Future Husband,
I pray for your physical, emotional, mental, social and spiritual strength. The Lord will make you a strong man. You are a strong man in the name of Jesus!

Day 15
Dear Future Husband,
I pray that you will be patient and be a man of peace. You will not give in to anger, but will allow the Holy Spirit to control your responses. You will forgive easily and be laced with kindness and grace like salt.

Related Post: I pray For Future Hubby

Day 17
Dear Future Husband,
I pray against everything that will distract from being with your family. The devil will not distract you and no strange woman would distract you in the name of Jesus!

Day 21
Dear Lord,
I pray that you guide and watch over him.

—————— * * * * * * * * ——————

Ladies, last Tuesday was the last day in my public journey of #PrayersForFutureHusband. And it was amazing! I have started to see the manifestation of these prayers in my own life. I am pleasantly surprised as I noticed the changes IN me. While I pray for my future husband, God builds me up to match up with the things I could be lacking and need help to develop. . .

Thank you for joining me and following along! The Lord has truly blessed the time we spent making suplication unto God. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did. Again, thank you for joining me. May God truly bless you and your future husband! I love you all so much.

—————— * * * * * * * * ——————

There is a huge battle happening over the hearts of the guys of our generation, so let’s keep praying for them!

Don’t grow weary in the wait, sister! Use this time to be busy about your Father’s Kingdom, and use every single moment to fall deeper and deeper in love with Jesus! Use your time to intercede, seek God, and keep your future husband covered in prayer! I hope this added a little bit of extra fuel to your tank of powerful prayers for your Man!

P.s Please join Frances and I on Twitter tonight. It would be awesome!

God bless you!
Stay in-love!

Posted by Nwamaka Ajaegbu 
Let's connect on Twitter: @Amakamedia
Let's connect on Instagram: @amakamedia
And Bloglovin: Amakamedia

Heart Rays . . . giving light.

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