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Mistakes Are Okay

Many times, the guilt we feel over our mistakes is much worse than the mistakes themselves.

Can we receive grace to forgive ourselves?

Make More Mistakes

We all want to do everything right, but that is not going to happen as long as we are in this body of flesh, living. If we could be perfect in our behaviour, we wouldn't need God.

Think about it.

Jesus died for us because we could not be good enough on our own to enjoy a relationship with God that is completely holy. If you truly love God, if you are in love with Jesus, you will not want to sin or displease him. You will do everything you can to stay away from sin. But you will sin, and you cannot let that distract you or hinder you from moving on with God.

Human nature causes us to feel condemned when we make mistakes, and no one likes feelings of condemnation. We may even inflict pain on ourselves to pay for the mistakes that Jesus has already paid! It's OK to feel convicted of sin, but we are not supposed to hate ourselves, reject ourselves, and feel guilty and ashamed for days and weeks on end.

Related Post: How To Overcome The Guilt Of Fornication And Adultery

Our mistakes remind us that life happens. They let us know that we will not always get it right; and they instill in us a dependency on God.

Our mistakes require us to be apologetic in all of our wrong-doings, and challenge us to seek God to be restored after making them.

Our mistakes force us to self-evaluate and encourage us to make changes. They give us the opportunity to look at ourselves as we work to be great(er).

They remind us of this growth process.

Times when I was criticizing myself and feeling worthless after each fail - it took me a process to realize that mistakes are okay.  I proudly own them now. And I have decided to be transparent with my mistakes so that God can make masterpieces out of them. 

When we’re transparent about our mistakes, we let others know that no one is ever beyond the reach of God’s grace.

Mistakes are God's way of molding us.

Mistakes are indicative of us being human.  They're our reminders of God's perfection and unconditional love.

So make your mistakes. Own them. Learn from them. Grow and be greater.

“And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.” 

— Romans 8:28

How have you seen God turn your mistakes into good? 

Written by Nwamaka Ajaegbu 
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Heart Rays . . . giving light.

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