• https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-OY2wnEGn_cE/V80uockjicI/AAAAAAAAZ8o/r_3CotN5E6U-CUieGteAgUvmn7wuNEzrQCLcB/s1600/do%2Bnot%2Bbe%2Bweary%2Bin%2Bwell%2Bdoinf.jpg


PODCAST: Delilah

Yay! It's Friday! *giggling*  Today, I'm reading out a story I found on naijastories.com

The story reveals an outcome of choosing wrongly. Enjoy!

Rays of wisdom. . .

To listen, click on the play button. The play button is the red round button on the top left corner of the embed player. :)

Thanks for listening. Have a fabulous weekend!

You might also like: True Love

Posted by Nwamaka Ajaegbu 
Twitter: @Amakamedia
Email: heartrayswithamakamedia@yahoo.com

Heart Rays . . .giving out  the light.


lindaspears said...

Amaka pls enable the download button jor

deolaw said...

The truth is that most victims of 'Delilah' usually know the kind of lady they are with but lust doesn't allow them make good decisions. Nice story and narration. More power to your elbow.

Fradulinks said...

Poor Charles

CatwalkwithPat said...

Awww, such beautiful voice!!! "her voice was angelic, her voice was magnetic" just like yours.


Amakamedia said...

Done. Thanks sweet Linda. :D

Amakamedia said...

Exactly. That's the lesson innit. Bad decisions made based on bad thoughts will only lead to destruction.

Thanks for visiting Deolaw :)

Amakamedia said...

Yea. . . if only he could turn back the hands of time. Too bad for him.

Amakamedia said...

Aww. . .Pat, you give me too much credit. I'm shy. *covers face*

Thanks sweets.

Drake said...

This is lovely.

Alice said...

For how long will you continue to torment me amaka? why???

Amakamedia said...

Many thanks. :)

Amakamedia said...

Oh my! Please, how do you mean? :s

Alabekee Ola said...

Nice story Amaka, keep up the good work

E Rella said...

Finally able to read one of your podcasts today. This browser settings I touched has been helpful. Yeee! Amaka you have got a honey voice ooh *i want my voice to sound like yours*, your voice can put a raging lion to sleep... Nice story. Thanks!

Tomi 'Molola said...

Ugh. I never have luck with your podcasts Amaka :(

Amakamedia said...

Uh-oh, sorry about that sweet... have you ever tried to download any?

immanuel said...

great one......


bolateethole.blogspot.com said...

This Yoruba film is disturbing me sha, I will to listen all over.lolz

Amakamedia said...

Thanks Immanuel. :)

Amakamedia said...

I can imagine. . . Lol!

immanuel said...

New podcast please..... Missing your sweet voice....


Amakamedia said...

Aww. . .thanks sweetie. Podcasts are posted on Fridays. Please stay. . . :)

Glowyshoe said...

Awww you've got a lovely voice..xx.. And yes one has to to be careful in making decisions..


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