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3 Huge Lessons From Last Weekend

Happy New Week! We are already 27 days into 2020. The year seems to be going pretty fast, or what do you think? I've got a couple of personal lessons to share with you today. I hope they inspire you in some way.

Lessons From Last Weekend

Lessons from last Weekend

I'm one who is very passionate about growth, whether slow or fast. I’ve tried to stay so open to the education that comes from growth and the pain that follows. I desire to LIVE this full life that God has provided me — on every level. Even as I make mistakes (and I make lots), as long as I promise to learn from them I consider it a win.

So, off the top of my head, here are the top three things I’ve learned over the weekend.

1. Red Lipstick Doesn't Hurt

Isn't that a weird lesson? Yes, it is. And no, it isn't. It’s taken me most of my adult life to learn. . . to be less self conscious (my anxiety never helped with that!), and I’ve found this to be especially challenging in my professional life. But last weekend I really saw how much better I've grown when I stopped being too self-conscious.

Back in the day, I'd say "makeup makes me nervous. . . Yada yada yada. . . " But last weekend, I realized I can feel good wearing makeup. It felt good knowing I am still being authentic to myself and proud of who I am, as a person, even with my lips painted red.

Self consciousness can be a self-inflicted state of mind, one where you think you don't measure up the people in the room with you and that all eyes are constantly on you. But honestly, how much truth is there to that? In order to beat self consciousness, you need to learn how to control those paranoid, over-shooting thoughts.

Whatever red lipstick means to you, get over with it. Stop over thinking and over analyzing.

One of the reasons you’re nervous is that you’re not sure what the outcome is going to be, so control all the variables you can by casting down all imaginations. Amen?

READ: Why Alicia Keys Stopped Wearing Makeup 

2. You Can (Un)Learn Anything 

Did you know that you can learn anything? Literally. It doesn’t matter how old you are or what your background is. If you want to learn something, you can do it. Your brain is wired to grow and change, even when you are old. Want to learn a new language? Or pick up a course you didn’t grasp in school? Or learn photography? You can.

This is a recurring lesson for me. My major is Accounting but you know what? I started muddling along the media space and I tried a thousand things that didn’t work. I stay stuck with it and I have learned a ton in the process. And it has continually been one of the most thrilling decisions I have ever undertaken.

I'm currently learning photography and I could almost feel my brain expanding as I persevered and learned hard things. 

I know it’s not perfect and I still have thousands of little improvements to make and things to learn, but that’s all part of the process.

I believe we'll all be more successful in those things we are passionate about if we branch out and try/learn new things.

3. Every Connection Is Important

Last weekend had me attending one event after another. A huge lesson I learned is that connecting with people who inspire you, or make you laugh, or are interesting, or are talented at what they do, will feed you in many ways — whether it is apparent at first or not.

Attending events, going to lunches, networking, meeting friends of friends, or even attending panels and lectures on topics that have nothing to do with your area of interests. . . can all be fodder for a complex and interesting life that WILL come back tenfold to you.

The first event I attended this Weekend was the Fidelity Bank Year End Party at Elite Hotel and Suites. Watch the video below:

The second event was Aunty Salt's Couples' Hangout. Watch the video below:

I’ve learned that being open to learn, to really listen, and to ask questions almost always leads down a path that ends up being beneficial for me in some way.

We are in the season of going the extra mile. Get outside your box this year and see what happens!

Stay inspired.
Stay positive.
Stay lovely.

Written by Nwamaka Onyekachi
Let's connect on Twitter: @Amakamedia
Let's connect on Instagram: @amakamedia
And Bloglovin: Amakamedia

Heart Rays . . . giving light.

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