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REVIEW: The Peaceful Dove

Mum needed to take a Bible Study Class on the topic; The Holy Spirit as a Dove. I was stunned when she called to ask for hints on the topic. It wasn't odd that she sought my help. The fact that she'd have to use the info for a Bible Study Class marvelled me. O-m-g! What could a good daughter possibly do? I researched. Yeah! And in that course, I fell in love with doves. (I always fall in love. Always.)

The Peaceful Dove

Imagine a prayer like: "Lord, I want to be as a dove. Give us marriages as doves. Help all my friends to live as doves too. Amen." You bet God will not hesitate to answer such prayer. Hehehehe. . . That's my prayer for today. Get ready, for you shall develop wings tomorrow. Yels!

OK, you know what a dove looks like. Right? I don't need to tell you that it's a type of bird that is usually white, with a graduated tail, wedged-shaped wings, and all that. You know that already. So I'd only highlight the very features that got me so enchanted fascinated inspired. We need inspiration, don't we?

Love: It's quite a coincedence that my previous post talks about marriage because dove is a symbol of love and a long-lasting marriage. A male and a female dove live for about 15-33 years and mate for life. They work together to feed their babies. Have you ever wondered why we usually say, "two lovebirds"? Me too. The love birds actually refer to two doves. This is because the marriage between two doves denotes wholly devotion, total commitment, and true love.

Cleanliness: White is purity. A white dove is pure and holy. I studied that when kept as a pet, it is so easy to keep clean. It got me thinking about how much we need to keep our hearts pure. Purity makes room for God to dwell within us.

Speed: A dove has got powerful wings. When it flies, it reaches up to 40-50 miles per hour and travels 600 miles in a day. See speed na. Who doesn't want accelerated promotions in this life? We need such speed in almost every situation. For example, we need speed to escape troubles, we need speed to meet targets and we need speed to attack our enemies before they do. I like how Ps. 55:6 talks about it in a way, "Oh, that I had wings of a dove! I would fly away and be at rest."

(Read more on AllAboutBirds.org)

I think we should get close to animals. (I don't mean that literally o) But seriously, animals were created for us to learn from them. Isn't it amazing how the Bible talks about the ants in Prov. 6:6-8, the eagles in Ish. 40:31, and the lion in Prov. 20:28? I can't wait to learn about those too. There is nothing more thrilling than learning something new. Wisdom is sweet!

You might check these reviews too:
The Beautiful Butterflies
The Beautiful Butterflies (2)
The Walnut

Gentility: I have reserved this bit for the last to linger further on your mind. Did you know that when the young of a dove is being attacked, the adult doves will not retaliate? Shocking! i-no-want-wahala-abeg kinda thing. A dove is so peaceful that it will only cry out when oppressed. Ish 38:14 says "...I mourned like a dove..." It cries out.  It does not want to make enemies at all at all. It prefers a quiet and peaceful environment. I believe this is one of the reasons the Holy Spirit descended on Jesus as a dove. He is very gentle.

I got us a video from Youtube. Cute!

Oh, I love love love the dove. What a wonderful creature. I might ask God to make me a dove in my next life. But for now, I'm learning to live as a pure, peaceful, and loving human. :)

Written by Nwamaka Ajaegbu 
Follow on Twitter: @Amakamedia 
Email: amakamedia@yahoo.com
Heart Rays  . . .giving out the light.


Bukola A said...

Awww....... beautiful! I like the sound of the dove cooing in the background, I mean the video. I think am also fallin in love with doves too. Loool. @developing wings tomorrow.... I believe I can fly, I believe I can touch the sky. I believe I can be a dove!

Anonymous said...

How can i make u fall for me

Amakamedia said...

Lol. Who are you?

Amakamedia said...

Me too! Thanks for visiting Bukky :)

H E K Y M A said...

Beautiful article. God Bless You Amaka. :) X

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