• https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-OY2wnEGn_cE/V80uockjicI/AAAAAAAAZ8o/r_3CotN5E6U-CUieGteAgUvmn7wuNEzrQCLcB/s1600/do%2Bnot%2Bbe%2Bweary%2Bin%2Bwell%2Bdoinf.jpg


I wish I didn't Visit your Blog

"Ehen! So you have a blog. And you did not tell me?" A friend exclaimed.
"Oh, I'm sorry. I was shy. I didn't know how to tell you."  I replied, sincerely.
"Aabegy! What is there in telling someone that you have a blog?" My friend muttered.

The truth is, telling you I'm a blogger is a biiiig deal!

I wish I didn't Visit your Blog

At the moment, I consider myself a newbie on the blogosphere. I officially launched this blog on my last birthday, June 26, 2014. And that's barely a year ago.

I logged on to blogger on March 1, 2014. So much for MARCHing forward. Lol. My first post (welcome) was on March 5. In the beginning, I was not very confident about the blog thingy. I had held it as my little secret for about two months. But I continued posting all my unpublished articles. I'd rather be called a writer than a blogger at that time.

I knew I was going to present the blog to the world on my birthday. I considered it as a gift to myself by myself for myself. And I needed to tell someone about it before the launch date. So I told a colleague, who happens to be a web developer.

I got the most disappointing response ever. "You blogging about your day and life? Who cares about how your day went? Nobody will read your posts. That's boring!" I lost the little confidence I had managed to build up. *tears*

Since then, I've been building up on my confidence. It's been working. And I've been fine until yesterday. . .

Yesterday, I created out time to visit some blogs. I was awed at the number of beautiful, inspiring, and creative blogs I found. I left comments on a few, I skimmed through some , and I read two. . . three .  .to five posts on the go from quite a number of blogs. There are many good bloggers in this WWW o. I learned so much that I started to think I need not blog anymore.

As I compared my blog with the other blogs. I lost my confidence completely. It got to a point, I was like; "Choi, Amakamedia, you have not even started." I was already feeling my blog isn't good enough. Or is it?

You know that feeling you get when you find yourself in the company of those who do the same thing that you do in the same way that you do, but they get better results than you do? Exactly. That was how I felt.

Suddenly, I was emotionally stressed. What worsened my mood was when I found out that some of the blogs I usually visit were nominated for the Nigerian Blogs Award. *wipes face* And the bloggers were like: Yayyy! we got nominated on this xyz category. Click here to vote.

I was jealous. Mtchwww. . . I wish I didn't visit your blog!

As a blogger, it is not bad to visit other blogs. But when you compare those blogs with yours, you'll always be losing. Ruminating on how somebody else is doing better, looking better, having more friends, or being more successful, is very time-consuming and ineffective. It zaps your motivation and dwindles your confidence. It kills your joy! Don't ever compare your worth with others.

Well, I decided to be happy that they got nominated. But the flesh in me was rather jealous. Lol. My blog wasn't nominated. Why? I checked again. Why? "You have not believed enough." The small voice whispered.

A little deviation here: You already know I can't do without the Bible. Right? It's the first source of my inspiration. The Word of God is LIGHT.

I ate the book of James for dinner, and verses 14-18 of chapter 2 were very illuminating. . .

"What good is it, my brothers and sisters, if you claim to have faith but do not have works? Can such faith save you? . . . Faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead…  Show me your faith apart from your works, and I will show you my faith by my works."

As I ponder on those words. I see the relationship between blogging (works) and believing (faith). You have an awesome blog when you believe that you do. Faith is active by works. And works are made manifest by faith. V. 22. Faith and works actually go hand-in-hand. I needed to believe that my blog is good enough.

There and then, I realized it is not enough to have good works, good personality, good job, good blog. You have to believe that it is good enough to produce. Then, it hit me; Faith and works give you the award you deserve. Hmmm!

Faith + Works = Award

As faith without works is dead. Works without faith is also dead. (Deep insight! I will talk more about that in a fresh post. Can't wait!)

Anyways, I'd like you to vote for my friends. They deserve the award because they believe in themselves, and have those who believe in them. Plus, their blogs are good. I mean really good. 

Vote Sisi of Sisi Yemmie to win here
Vote Ernie of Tibs tells Tales to win here
Vote Tosin of Africanism Cosmopolitan to win here
Vote Frances of Perfectly imperfectly lives to win here

Blogging isn't as easy as it looks. Many of these awesome bloggers usually have sleepless nights to get good content, they sweat profusely to search (or use their cameras) to get pictures for each post, they plead for readers to leave comments, and they pray for heavy traffic. Good blogging requires patience, passion, and perseverance. *phew* It ain't for the faint-hearted.

Cheers to every authentic blogger who blogs to make the world a better place. May the work of your hands produce wealth enough to feed a nation. Ah, I pray again, may the work of your hands produce wealth enough to feed a nation. Amen!

I don't know what to call this post. I just poured out.

It's time to increase in the Rays of Faith.

Posted by Nwamaka Ajaegbu 
Follow on Twitter: @Amakamedia 

Heart Rays . . .giving out the light.

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