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NEWS: Who wants to be a Spiderman?

Aww. . . I love good news. Good news gives hope and inspiration. Here is one. . .

A man dresses as a Spiderman at Evenings to Feed the Homeless

This 20-year-old man from Birmingham, England, is a barman. But at night, he jumps into a Spider-Man suit and takes to the streets to feed the homeless.

The "Birmingham Spider-Man," as he is known, says that he hopes his work will show others that everyone deserves a helping hand, no matter their situation.

"I've learned that everyone is the same, we're all part of the human experience and I believe that we need to look at everyone as humans and help each other the same as we would a close friend," he told The Huffington Post in a message.

The Birmingham Spider-Man's good works have already attracted the attention of many others in the community, who have offered to donate money. He is an hero.

And guess what? The man doesn't even accept their donations, but instead, he'll tell them to go out and get involved. Isn't that amazing?

You can be a celebrity by effecting change in that little corner you've been blessed to be in. Anybody can be a Spiderman, but it must come from the heart. Those who share happiness do not lack happiness. :)

"Let your light so shine among men, that they may see your good works. And glorify your Father who is in heaven." Matt 5:16.

(Source: Huffington post

See more: Good News

Posted by Nwamaka Ajaegbu 
Follow on Twitter: @Amakamedia 
Email: amakamedia@yahoo.com

Heart Rays  . . .giving out the light.


Delec said...

Whao! God Bless him

Chioma Dike said...

love this!

E - rella said...

The greatest man is the man who is a blessing to the world.


Lifetitudes said...

Very inspiring post. If each of us helped one person every day the world would indeed be a better place to live in. Lets all do our bit in our own little way.

Guest said...

As simple as this post might be, it is heavy. Thanks for telling.

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