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When The Heartbreaker Doesn't Deserve Your Apology

Happy New Week Sweethearts! I write this post with swollen eyes and dried tears. The tears have stopped flowing but the traces are visible. What I'm about to share with you today radiates from a heart flooding with peace.

Blessed Are The Peacemakers

Blessed are the peacemakers_amakamedia

Heartbreak blows you open. That's certainly not the most wonderful opening sentence, but tell me that's not wisdom. Don't leave me!

Oh. You didn't catch my drift? Sorry. Maybe that's why I drifted from the relationships I threw myself into, because the guys couldn't catch me. Wisdom. Don't leave me!

Oops. I'm not playing with you like they do in Italy. Give me another chance. Please. You can see I am not writing don't leave me in italics like I did in the previous paragraphs.

OK. Thanks for trusting me with this paragraph. I promise not to break your heart. But, if you ever feel heartbroken; There are a good number of articles to help you deal with me. Yeah. Just search Heart Break.

Lol. I'm serious now.

You know. Having lived for three decades, I should know when to stop, grow and flow with the rhymes. Right? Like, I turned thirty and had a small party.

No jokes.

I suffered one heartbreak after another. Relationship breakups, friendship breakups, colleague breakups and all sorts. I want you to gain from the wisdom that comes from each experience. One thing I always say is:


Heartbreaks can be verrry hard but they are beautiful, and in them we can find true beauty and creativity too — but it takes some courage to pursue it.

Consider the possibility that everything happens for a purpose. Sometimes, relationships that fail do not do so because of mistakes or failures on any one side. Some relationships just fail. Life God has a funny way of giving us the experiences that are most helpful to our growth and breakdowns in our relationships are just one of those ways.

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Right after my birthday party, I suffered a heartbreak from a friendship, which I would rather refer to as family. I wept bitterly. I could not believe what happened. Just when I thought I was done with heartbreaks for the rest of my life. Haha. I guess life will always be what it is.

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I prayed about my latest heartbreak and the offender. And told myself that I have forgiven the offender, too.

But I also resolved in my heart to keep away from the offender. I can't deal mehn.

I pretended as though I didn't hear the Holy Spirit asking me to go, apologize and hug the offender. I didn't like the idea AT ALL. I knew I deserved an apology. I didn't do anything wrong!

After much tugging. . .

I went to the offender.
We spoke about it.
I cried while spilling out emotions. How embarrassing! Can you people see what the Holy Spirit has caused now? 
It became very clear that I did nothing wrong. Can this tears just stop!
I waited to hear an apology. Got none. Chai.
So I apologized as instructed.
Gave the hug.
Offender finally apologized. Over and over again.

And sweet, the peace that flooded my heart in that moment cannot be described!

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Forgiveness is the openness and willingness to act out of love, kindness and acceptance to what seems like an unjust cause. It's OK to apologize when you have done nothing wrong. Don't struggle, just surrender.

As a Christian, it is critically risky to have anger, bitterness or pride lingering in your heart. Try as much as possible to be sober and vigilant always. And be humble because, humility produces peace and peace produces power. Give the devil no room.

P.s When people say, 'for every new level, there is a new devil', they are telling the truth. I have just entered a new season and I know it.

Thanks for stopping by. Let's keep striving to live life filled with positivity, inspiration and love.

What do you do when the one who offended you doesn't deserve your apology?

Written by Nwamaka Onyekachi
Let's connect on Twitter: @Amakamedia
Let's connect on Instagram: @amakamedia
And Bloglovin: Amakamedia

Heart Rays . . . giving light.

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