• https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-OY2wnEGn_cE/V80uockjicI/AAAAAAAAZ8o/r_3CotN5E6U-CUieGteAgUvmn7wuNEzrQCLcB/s1600/do%2Bnot%2Bbe%2Bweary%2Bin%2Bwell%2Bdoinf.jpg


Believe Me, the Title of this Post is "Hang In There!"

Hello sweeties! How was the weekend? The title of this post is 'Hang In There'

You have to be patient.


It requires patience.



Yes, you just have to be patient.









I mean, you really have to be patient.






. Though it may be hard, be patient. 










. Patience is not easy. Right?









.  You've come this far. Do you want to give up here? 












. Hmmmmm. . . . 





















Don't quit.









Be strong. 













God knows what He is doing.









Yes, God knows about it. And He's working on it. So hang in there!








It will only make you strong!

I don't know who you are. But I have a feeling that God is preparing you for greater things. Life may not be pleasant at the moment. Be patient. You will come through.

Hang in there!

Have a beautiful week.

(PS: I'm practically hanging in there today. See you tomorrow. )


Amole John said...

Lol. nice one. Happy new week!

Sarah said...

Thank you so much for your timely message. I am trusting God. I will hang in there. I am facing a number of medical challenges during this past days and with God’s help I am getting through it. Thank you so much.

Adebayo Adegbite said...

I am hanging in there! I know that He has not brought me thus far to leave me. Through all the trials and tests, I know that He will bring me through as in the past!!

lindaspears said...

Lol. Amaka!!!! if I catch you. Hope all is well sha

Cindy said...

Hey Amaka Media,

Just wanted you to know, that I’m hanging in there!

Thanks and have a blessed day!


KayCee Blunt said...

This post is weird. But just that "hang in there" is enough for me. thank you!

(you will be fine too)

Gloria Okaimam said...

Amaka shuooooo which level? Okay ooo am patience.


Amakamedia said...

Lately everything seems overwhelming. I'm trying to get through to the light too. I believe God is working something out. Hang in there, Sarah!

Amakamedia said...

I knew this post was meant for somebody. Keep believing, Adebayo!

Glowyshoe said...

Amaka the hanging was really hanging oo
Hope you ok mami..


Gabbyspeaks said...

Lllooollll, nice one dear..

Tomi 'Molola said...

AMAKA!!!! You didn't just do this to me lol. But I think this is my best post on your blog so far. So creative and encouraging. I'm the very impatient kind but I just had to keep scrolling or "hanging" till I got to the end. Lol. I love you! Hang in there darling!

Molola's Blog

Chioma Dike said...

Aewwwwwwwwww..... this post rocks!!! Lol. I enjoyed the journey down to the end. I'm hanging in there oooo

Amakamedia said...

Sweet Chum, I took the journey back here to say thanks for hanging out with me. *phew* The road is not easy, but we must keep moving.

Amakamedia said...

Sweet Mo, ayam sowee. Lol! It's not what you think. Lol. I love you too, sweetie.

PS: I must commend the work on your blog. I'm inspired. Keep killin' it! *winks*

Amakamedia said...

Yay! Gabby is here! You catch the drift? ;)

Amakamedia said...

I am fine now. Thanks sweetie.

Amakamedia said...

God bless you, Cindy :)

Andrea said...

Hahahaha. .……………. patience is not easy ooo. See how I'm sweating. I’m hanging there and I must get there!
I love your blog Amaka, your Monday messages always encourage me. They’re eerily dead on with exactly what I need to hear. How do you do that? haha

Kunlexy said...

wow! I get it. Nice one.

bolateethole.blogspot.com said...

amaka welldone for eating all our space.

Great post,infact the post says it all.

bolateethole.blogspot.com said...

amaka pleas email me ineed a guest post from you before wednesday or thursday

Tomi 'Molola said...

Thank you Amaka. God bless you :***

Amakamedia said...

Yay! I've sent you an email. Please confirm.

E Rella said...

Amaka you bad gon! M glad for the merciful Disqus today and for this beautiful post.

Pamela Ugochi Orji said...

Thanks indeed for this. I'm soo hanging in there. So help me God.


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